Originally Posted by RadioRon:
Since many have received their Christmas catalogs in the past week, maybe I am the victim of the USPS issue. Perhaps on Monday! I am also an LCCA member, but have received nothing from them. Maybe Lionel and LCCA cross-reference their mailing lists & those who in the LRRC are left off LCCA's list. SO, if receiving catalogs is also a benefit of being an LCCA member, perhaps the LRRC "membership" is worth even less. I very rarely buy their (in my opinion) over-priced club offerings. I note on the LRRC web page page that many of the super-expensive items LRRC offered in the last year are still available! That should be a sign to Lionel, I would think.
I know that you are a bit upset at the moment, but there are several other benefits of being an LRRC member. Especially if you do not live anywhere near to an LHS that can supply Lionel items. Besides the catalogues being mailed to you, and the magazine, you do have the opportunity to purchase the club items if you so desire. You also receive a 10% discount on all Lionelstore purchases. This alone can recoup your membership costs in one purchase. I know that I have saved a great deal through this scheme. Besides these, and the knowledge that by belonging, you are helping to support the club for others, you mustn't forget that you receive what must be the world's largest membership badge every year.