We all enjoy a nice layout, and there have been many beautiful ones posted throughout this forum. (I am particularly a fan of Joey Ricard, SIRT, and Norm C., as you may know.) And the subject of how appropriate or necessary weathering is to layouts - weathering of everything - buildings, livestock, people, vehicles, roadways, fences, foliage, groundcovers, locomotives, freight cars, passenger coaches (Have I left anything out?) - has been explored, at times, on the Scenery & Structures sub-forum, at least.
What is your viewpoint? How far is it best and/or necessary to go with weathering, if at all?
Of course, it's all a matter of personal choice and doing what we want with our own layouts, certainly, but when you see a layout that you really, really like, how significant is the factor of weathering in your reaction? Should things be weathered?
Here are a few shots of layout features that, I feel, one might want to think twice before weathering. Especially difficult for me to even consider (no guts), are locomotives, particularly diesels pulling passenger trains, and the consists themselves. In the photo immediately above, the shed/barn/thingy is weathered and abused/worn, but I did not weather these particular vehicles, and surely not the steam locomotives nor the coach.
I suppose it's a matter of whether one is modeling a fantasy world of toys or a graphic representation of the real world when one decides whether to weather (?)