I have been placing a few orders for pick up in York.... I might need to rent a trailer as my list continues to grow.....
"I might need to rent a trailer as my list continues to grow....."
Pretty funny, but I suspect there is some truth in that statement. Look forward to seeing you there.
I'm still trying to get a New Marx, 8-wheel, "Bunny Bread" Boxcar. I'll also be looking for prewar American Flyer stuff- my new obsession!
Aside from these, just spending the day with good friends is enough to make me happy!
Obviously I'd like to find the majority of the money I brought still in my wallet at the end of the day...
I've always like the MTH Evolution Hybrid with the charging lights. If I can find a dealer with a Railking Imperial version, I'd likely grab it.
Otherwise, a few odds and ends I do need to get such as a station platform, smoke fluid (want to try Jeb's Big Boy Blend!) and I'm sure a few things I DON'T need!!!
Safe travels to and from York. Really looking forward to getting up there Friday.
Italian sausage with lots of onions and peppers.
See you at the stand across from the Brown Hall. One of the best I've had.
Someone said Chasrles Ro was selling them for $1900?