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Did you buy it?
Going to run it?
I saw one of these at a forum member's house - he posts here quite a bit - and it was a spectacular piece. He runs it too. Really neat.
Yes I did buy it. Haven't run it yet. The first time I paid full retail for MTH tinplate. Couldn't pass it up. I'm in the process of building a new bench work for my layout in my family room. Its going to be 8x16.
If all you paid for it was MSRP, you did well. They've been going for ridiculous prices on the Bay. And you also did right by getting the PS/2 version with the can motor. The motor on the traditional version is a copy of the original. It's not designed for sustained use and the one we have in our museum has been one big headache for maintenance and repair. The can motor should hold up a lot better. We're looking to convert ours to a can motor, but MTH doesn't have the motors and we haven't been able to find something just the right size with the right RPM, shaft diameter, etc. to fit.
Nice find, enjoy it!
Great find. Where did you find it, if you don't mind me asking.
Congrats! Awesome find. I'm sure you will enjoy it.
I have one of these new in the box....ordered it when it was announced, it was delivered to my door, and then got put under the layout. Now I don't have room for it and besides it doesn't fit into the theme I eventually went with....
I have one of these new in the box....ordered it when it was announced, it was delivered to my door, and then got put under the layout. Now I don't have room for it and besides it doesn't fit in to the theme I eventually went with....
I'd trade my Lionel Lines 400E for that!
Houston Tinplate layout has one. Very interesting piece. Now, was there a REAL mono-rail?
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