Rick, good job, reading Allan's article and remembering GHI.
A recent GHI of mine was Pullman green NY Central Madisin Heavyweight passenger cars that run well on 031 curves.
Finally got them when I purchased these 15 inch K Line passenger cars from a local train nut and friend known as Ringo Rick, who is a fanatic about The Beatles as well as O Gauge trains. Ringo Rick recently purchased them and liked them, but knew these cars were a GHI of mine, so he kindly offered to sell them to me.
Here they are in action with an MTH Proto 3 RS-3 diesel on the point:
It's so nice to actually get something that was a GHI for a while.
This was a super GHI for me because when I got them, they was even better than what I craved for so long because the K Line cars had passenger figures sitting in the seats and a drum head that lights up in the back of the observation car. Arnold