Okay coming into the home stretch of my prison scene and need some opinions. I have seen it both ways in real life but just checking to see what everyone else thinks about barb wire style. Do you prefer a rolled looked or a 3 line straight look. I have attached pictures below of a temp hold of what I am referring to. All comments appreciated. Thanks.
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You probably already searched photos, but you see a lot of both together. Might be hard to model tho. If you would only do one I would go rolled.
I would say it depends what era you are trying to represent. Razor wire ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbed_tape  be came prevalent in the late 60's.
No I bought mine from a military diaramas supply company. It comes straight folded onto itself a few times so you can do both. if I go rolled will make it more uniform wrapping it around a roll of dimes or nickels.
Bryan, rolled would be the look. Roo showed a pic which is the way the it should look. Closer together is better. When I drive to New York on I90 just before 90 goes over the CSX and NS track there is a prison next to the road. A side note there is a sign that says do no pick up hitchhikers in this area prison located nearby. Anyways the name of the Prison is the Lakeview Shock Incarceration center. I googled it and got some fence pictures but could not copy them to here. The pics of the fence show the rolled barb wire running along the top it also has it running along the bottom of the fence. So if you can do round it looks much better then straight across......................Paul
Bryan: When you say you've seen the wires both ways, you mean from the OUTSIDE right?
I'd go with the straight wire simply b/c I think it looks cleaner, IMHO.
Berkshire President posted:Bryan: When you say you've seen the wires both you ways, you mean from the OUTSIDE right?
I'd go with the straight wire simply b/c I think it looks cleaner, IMHO.
Yes only outside, fortunately Paul didnt press charges for breaking his thumbs last year.
I'd do straight across - looks cleaner. I'd like to see more pics of the cell blocks. Looks interesting. BTW there was an interesting topic about 5 or so yrs ago on how to make realistic "O" scale barbed wire. Wish I had saved it.
Do both.
Run at least one straight down your roll of nickles, PVC, rubber tube, etc, tape in place(etc) then wrap your spiral.
Forced into an either/or I'd go for clean straight lines and leave the rest to the tower guards
Okay the consensus was the razor or rolled look. Of course that means more product needed but I think you guys were right. Here it is in in its finished state.
Yep, that looks the part. Roo.
Excellent job, Bryan.
Looks Great Bryan! Its officially called Concertina wire!
Thanks Mike👍
No problem, when I was in the Marines as a Embassy Guard, we use to have them in coffee can size containers with a deployment charge, they would shoot up 50 feet! Very cool when you see it flying from a can! LOL
Your prison scene looks awesome! Love the fence!
During my well spent youth I had to cross a couple fences. You made the right choice, rolled razor wire is much more intimidating.