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Recently I decided to wire my Lionel accessories to a fixed voltage line instead of track power.  I think I may have shorted something out as I show no voltage whatsoever on the fixed out.  Is there a circuit breaker or fuse that i may have blown or could I have done some permanent damage?  The other outputs produce voltage as expected.



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Seems to me that 1.5 Amps rating for either the 10v or 14v fixed taps is rather minimal depending on what they're now loaded with...constant (Non-LED lighting, vibrating coil accessories, etc.) or momentary (track switches, solenoid-activated trackside and cars, etc.).  It can add up pretty quickly.  Even if you're near the max. ratings, one more push of a momentary, or just one more filament bulb can 'blow' the circuit breaker...which is designed to protect, not to frustrate.

How about using an older a prewar provide power for the accessories, and let the Z4000 be in control of the trains, only?? 



Thank you all for your answers.  I did try the circuit breakers which, as it turns out, are on the side and not the back of the transformer.  That did not fix the problem.  So, I think the best advice is from KD to use an older ZW to power the accessories since they include a coal loader, barrel loader, freight station with baggage cars, etc.  Everything has worked well with the track power.  But, I want to be able to run the accessories independent of track power.

Thanks again.  I will now go look for a ZW.

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