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Can someone explain how the red, green, yellow, and black wires on the DZ-1008 relay function?

Dennis Zander told me to validate the relay works by touching the green wire to the red. One can hear the relay energize, and release as green is touched to red, or not.

This does not square with the wiring diagrams, for example, for the non-derailing feature, which suggest to me that it is the alternate grounding of either the green or yellow wire that changes the relay position.

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I can't thank you enough for these. After studying them for some time, I decided the most likely reason my DZ-1008 wasn't latching was bad LEDs in the DZ-1000 that were allowing a backward current they are not supposed to. I took the LEDs out, and Voila!, it works. I have 8 DZ-1008 on my layout, and about 25 DZ-1000, so I want to know the innards so I can keep things working.

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