I have my Atlas switches wired though ASC's (Accessory switch controllers). Older IC Control models. Hold the through or out button a bit too long on the remote and the ASC would cycle through (2 or more) momentary's, enough to cause damage to the switch motor. Eventually I installed the Atlas 6924 relay boards with built in time out feature. Keep in mind that the 6924 boards have a lot of different functions, inhibiting switch motor burn out only one.
Switch motor burnout

6924 Relays installed. In some cases one relay controls two switch motors, (Cross over) These relays are wired for power routing to smooth out switch power loss. The fuse blocks pictured were added to inhibit 6924 relay trace burn out. Even though the boards are rated at 10 amps, and I fused track power at 7.5 amps I have damaged the boards. The fuses pictured are 3 amp fuses and protect the board traces from burn out.

The fuses protect track power routed through the relay and back to the short dead rail sections center of the switch, either through or out. This enhances electrical supply as the unit/locomotive travels over the switch. Cross over combination involve two track circuits, i.e two track power fuses to one relay pictured. Both relay/switch combinations 17 & 18 involve two track circuits and use both sets of relays available on the 6924 relay board. The inline fuses are 3 amp.

Atlas 6924 relay basic wiring from their website. Automatic Non-derail function
Atlas 6924 power routing.
Atlas 6924 Dwarf signals added.
Access other 6924 relay wiring function on this Atlas page.