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Hi Everyone!

Here's your teaser from tomorrow's O gauge release. Happy guessing!

-Mark the Menards Train Guy


You thought that Mark took over my account? 

I found this somewhere else and decide to pass it along for him. 

Im sorry but this was to see if everyone was on their feet!!!


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  • IMG_0633
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Tim, very poor manners on your part not to observe the "convention" that it is for Mark the Menard's Train Guy to announce new products.

What you did was akin to someone other than Scott starting the "weekend photo" thread; and, there are other similar "convention" threads, e.g., Eddie G's "countdown to York."

I'm sure Mark would not criticize you for doing so; I'll chalk this transgression up as useful enthusiasm run amok.

Your active participation is always welcome on OGR, but exercise some discretion young man.

Last edited by Pingman

Timothy Lewis has a history of displaying poor manners, judgement, inappropriate criticism,  and contradicting/ conflicting reporting on this form.  I have observed this over a 2+ year time frame.  Forgiveness may be necessary as once you have observed his actions/comments - you will see an immature dude with loose keyboard fingers.  PLEASE,  SOMEONE, find this child a "girl friend" - he needs some polish! 

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