I took my last layout down in 2019 when we moved to our "forever home". That layout was wired using the "star wiring" approach, MTH terminal block and a Z-4000 transformer. DCS worked very well with a constant "10" signal on all of the track sections. I'm in the process now of building the "new layout" in our "forever home" and expect to start the wiring task next month.
Since I wired that last layout in 2006, I'm a bit rusty on a few DCS-related wiring items. Bear with me for a minute on these simple questions.
1. I wired the last layout using a mix of 16 and 18 gauge wire which I purchased on 150 or 100 foot spools at Parts Express, an audio supply house. The red and black conductors were inside an outer gray jacket, but also had a string inside the jacket. While I never understood the purpose of that string, I noticed it had broken down over the years to some sort of waxy consistency at the terminal block end of the wire. I took a photo of this scrap piece so you'd have a better idea of what wire I used.
Question -- What is the purpose of that white stringy material?
2. I've read numerous comments on social media where O-gaugers say "just use 16 gauge wire" or "use 18 gauge wire" or "use speaker wire". That's not exactly a clear description.
Question: If I go to a local electrical supply house to buy the wire for this new 7 X 21 foot new layout, what wire product should I specifically ask the counter person for in plain English?
Thank you.