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This is probably a question for someone who works for MTH, but I have found there are plenty of smart people on here, so I am going to give it a shot.

I have 2 PS2 Diesel locos. One came in a Chessie starter construction set, has a working front and rear coupler, and a plug-in connector for a B unit. I bought a dummy unit for it long ago, it was a real "dummy" - no working couplers, may not have a head light - but I think it does and is always on. The unit is 4320, and the dummy is 4321.

I have a 2nd Chessie SET that came as an A-B set (no box)  The A unit has a working front, non-working rear and it has  a connector for a B unit, and a B unit. That B unit has a tether that connects the two, back end to back end, and it has a non working rear coupler and a wired-working front coupler. If I recall, when used, the front coupler activates on the A and the B "front" which is now the rear unit, activates on the B unit....using the DCS  A working front coupler on each when tethered together. The set numbers are 4325 and 4328.

My question is, did they make the 4320 to also work with the rear dummy/B unit, the 4328?

The difference in the A units appears to be that the connectors have wires in reverse. Y-B-R-W on the 4320 A and W-R-B-Y on the 4325 A unit. No idea what the B unit wires are, the connector shows no color, and the tether runs up into the unit.

Anyone have the answer to this one? If you want to know why I want to do this, the B unit works fine, but the 4325A is not working fine. But the 4320A is working fine, and I would like the 4328 B unit to work with it while I wait for repairs on the 4325A - which could be awhile.

Any knowledge about the above would help. Sounds like a real poser.

Thank you, Greg

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