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Well, no offense but I kind of hope it isn't available in scale wheels or this will be a very expensive catalog for me!

JS, I see where it says available in scale wheels but I noticed that it doesn't give the minimum radius required for scale wheels like it does on the next page for the Mohawk.

I wonder if the 0-8-0 has been done before in scale wheels?


I agree Clem but my guess is that Jeb is correct and it is just a catalog misprint. It's not the first time nor will it be the last time. All the manufacturers do it every now and then. I do have a Railking 0-8-0 that I converted to 2 rail but it was from the first run in the late '90s and is lacking a lot of detail. Plus the tender sits too high on the trucks. 

I am going to my LHS tomorrow to order the Mohawk. I am probably wrong but I don't recall the Mohawk ever being offered before in scale wheels and it only requires 42" R curves. A no brainer for me since I don't have one. Well, if MTH ever offers the 0-8-0 in scale wheels I will buy one. 

Thanks for responding here Jeb. 

Last edited by Hudson J1e

image I have a NH 0-8-0 from years ago. Ordered a 3 rail version. The box is marked scale wheels. Wide rims and 4 blind drivers. There are instructions on removing the rollers and setting it up for 2 rail. I have a NYC from a run before this one. There were 2 pickup rollers on the engine and 1 on the tender. The NH just has 2 rollers on the tender. None on the engine. Both are good runners. The NYC was sold as a 3 rail engine. They weren't doing 3/2 at the time. Pretty sure both hi rail and scale wheeled versions were offered for the NH. I'm guessing they decided one model would cover both.




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"Strange it is, maybe he is waiting to see how many people ask about this ? Still a poor way of cataloging this. Seems a  0-8-0 would be a big seller."

Agreed.  We have suggested many times to M.T.H. that the smaller steam offerings in 2 rail would be well received and sell very well...even the Greenbriers, etc.  Somehow they still think that the big steam articulated engines are the ones in demand.(see the new catalog). Much of the market has smaller radius curves so it is a given that the smaller locomotives are of interest. The answer is that 2 Rail always requires new tooling and until the demand is there...well, things won't change.  And, if demand for the current 2 Rail offerings isn't there, then they conclude that it is not in their interest to invest in the new tooling for the smaller steamers. So it is a vicious circle and the sales are mostly BTO only, and things remain the same.  I share the feelings of many 2 Railers. We like the product! We love the new detailing and reasonable prices. We just need more offerings that fit our smaller radius needs.





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