Hello all,
The new lionel catalog came out last week and I was looking into the pennsy L1s, but had some questions to ask. I thought this was the right place to ask about it, perhaps to point me into the right direction. I am not modeling any specific era, im just looking at what appeals me the most, but I want to make sure i got a clear undertanding of what may be proper. In the 2022 vol2 book on the site, pg 20, 21 shows the engines. Im not too sure what considers pre war vs post war other than the headlight or what position is the headlight suppose to be at. They have some with the headlight infront of the dynamo, red cab roof and tender deck, but no dog house. They also have another variant that had the dynamo infront of the headlight, with a black cab roof and tender deck but with a dog house on the tender. I would like to get one where the headlight was infront of the dynamo, red roof and deck, but with the dog house, but it doesnt seem to be the case. What would be the next best option and why? Also it shows the 1369 has the experimental trainphone antenna on the loco but i cant find any records of this loco having the antenna or any pics of it online. Does anyone have any info on this loco? One more, the cumberland valley wayfreight set describes a great scene, but i cannot find any pics or info of the cumberland valley branch or the train that lionel modeled that was mentioned in the catalog. Does anyone have info on that as well?