Hi Everyone,
I picked-up a 282 steam engine awhile back. I took it apart and cleaned and lubed it. It now works great.
Every old flyer steam engine that I ever picked up must have had some residual smoke fluid left in it because they all smoked when I first powered them up.
This one did not. I added a little fluid and it still did not smoke. The unit ohm'd out good, so I added a lot of fluid and it smokes like it should. So, this one had obviously been run very dry. The problem is, it has a bad burnt odor to the smoke. I am used to this with my Lionel engines, and have needed to change out the wicking material, but I've never seen this in a flyer.
I've run a lot of JT's Mega Steam Eliminator through it, and then a good amount of his NADA (no scent) fluid through it. Is this burnt odor something that will eventually flush out, or do I need to change the wick?