It seems that Lionel "scale" Standard O cars are the biggest challenge (I could be wrong.) I've read of a few ways to 2 rail the trucks.
Has anyone come up with a good method? If replacing the truck, what is a good truck to use?
The method described on the O Scale Kings website leaves a little to be desired. Getting the plastic bearing out to insert the spacer for Intermountain trucks, many times results in distraction of the bearing. Does anyone know of someone that sells replacement bearings? That said, the gap between the wheels and the side frame is a distraction.
Isn't there anyone that has a straight answer to my questions? I see 2 railers making the transition and using Lionel rolling stock. What was used for trucks/wheels? NWSL wheels are not a direct replacement for Lionel trucks, although they are for 3 rail trucks, without spacers. Again, what's the solution?
My main interest is in converting Lionel steam era reefers. Atlas reefers have a disintegrating bolster problem, so removing the screw holding the truck may result in a distorted bolster. Weaver reefers are easy but not plentiful with Santa Fe markings. Brass is the ultimate solution but building up a train at nearly $400 a car takes a while.