I bought this used, PW 3356 horse car (no corral as of yet) and replaced both broken end doors where the critters wander in and out. My last issue seems to be with the front-center door. I think this car has an incorrect front center door. The door has a tab on the inside, very near the bottom edge and about halfway from either side of the door.
When the door is closed, that tab interferes with the solenoid lift mechanism and therefore prevents the end doors from lowering. When the center door is open, it no longer interferes with the solenoid – but the tab limits the door’s ability to open to just half way! Not a big deal under normal use, but if you try to use Lionel’s method to adjust the drop of the end doors, you will discover that a half-open center door really limits your access to the door rod called out in the adjustment procedure. Plus I didn't really want to leave the door open halfway, revealing an ugly coil during normal use.
When looking at the parts list, it calls for a “3356-10 door plain.”
I can’t find any actual pictures of that door to determine if a tab should be there – the word “plain” kind of suggests there shouldn’t be one. The only place I can find that door is Train Tender - he carries a “3356-10X Green Center Door Newer Lionel Production.” (It’s 10:30 at night, else I would be calling him) His picture of that door show no tab.
So what does the inside of your 3356 front center door look like?