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Good morning, everyone. I thought I would share with you my process flow to address 4 common problems with my trains. You have likely experienced the same or will encounter them at some point.

Problem 1: My engine will not start

1.With the throttle set to 18 volts, do any of the devices that automatically activate with power do so? This may include track side signals or caboose lights.

2. Check power to the track with a volt meter. If no go to step 5.

3. If there is power to the track, is the engine sitting on a siding? If yes, turn off power and manually move to main line. Recycle power to startup.

4. If the engine is on the mainline, gently rock engine back and forth. Recycle power to attempt start up.

5. If using a wall mounted outlet with extension cord, verify extension cord is plugged in.

6. If using a outlet strip, verify it is switched on and if equipped with a circuit breaker that it is not tripped.

7. Is the transformer plugged into the outlet strip?

8 Using a voltmeter, check output terminals on the transformer.

9. If using a fast-blow fuse between transformer and TIU, verify continuity in the fuse. Replace if fuse is blown, then check that all train wheel sets are properly on the track.

10 If using a circuit breaker, reset as needed.

11. Verify proper connections  for input and output terminals on TIU.

12. Is the red LED lit inside the TIU?

13. Using a volt meter, check output side of TIU

14. If using a terminal block, check voltage to board with a volt meter.

15. If power to track is all found normal, perform a Feature Reset on the engine.

16. If all attempts to start the engine are unsuccessful, there may be a fault in the engine itself. Contact a Certified MTH Technician for repair advice and service.

Problem 2: My Wi-Fi unit does not work

1. is the Wi-Fi unit plugged in?

2. Is the Wi-Fi antenna attached?

3. Has the Wi-Fi gone through it's startup?  This includes a flashing white LED.

4. Are the red, yellow and blue LEDs staying lit?  It may take up to  2 minutes from plugging in the Wi-Fi for this to occur.

5. In the control device you are using (Iphone, Ipad, etc.) has the Wi-Fi been set to MTH_DCS-64c6 and not to your home router? Switch if needed.

6. If all attempts to run via Wi-Fi control are unsuccessful, contact a Certified MTH Technician for repair advice and service.

Problem 3: Smoke unit does not work

1. Verify there is liquid smoke in the reservoir.

2. Verify the smoke unit is turned on in the handheld or Wi-Fi controller.

3. Turn smoke unit on & off. Can you hear the smoke unit motor start and stop? You may need to place your ear close to the engine to be able to hear.

4. If you do not hear the motor stopping and starting, try a Feature Reset.

5. The following steps require  accessing the smoke unit. If you are uncomfortable doing this, contact a MTH Certified Technician for assistance and  repair.

6. With the smoke unit removed as needed, verify the 2 power leads to the motor are attached. Reattach with solder as needed.

7. Using flexible wires, touch the terminal ends of a 9 volt battery to the 2 motor terminals Does the motor run? If no, motor may be dead.

8. Verify that the shim between the motor impeller and the reservoir is not blocking the opening into the reservoir and restricting the air flow between the two.

9. Open lid to smoke unit reservoir. Verify the wick material is not burnt. Replace as necessary. Make certain wick material is seated around/between heating wires.

10. If the unit still does not function,  the smoke unit may need to be replaced. Contcat an MTH Certified Technician for assistance and repair.

Problem 4: Traction Tire Change

For steam engines

1. Lay engine on its side on a soft surface.

2. Use a 5mm tool to remove side arm screw on wheel with old traction tire. Place screw in a small container and set aside.

3. Remove old traction tire.

4. Place new traction tire on upper side of wheel. Hold in place with 1 or 2 fingers.

5. Use a dental pick to gently stretch and guide traction tire in place.

6 Reassemble side rod and retaining screw.

For Diesel engines

1. Lay engine on its side on a soft surface.

2. Use a philips head screw drive to remove retaining screws of truck side plate.

3. Move side plate out of way.

4. Remove old traction tire.

5. Place new traction tire on upper side of wheel. Hold in place with 1 or 2 fingers.

6. Use a dental pick to gently stretch and guide traction tire in place.

7. Reassemble truck side plate and retaining screw.

Warning: There is no easy way to change a traction tire. It will take you longer than you think.

Here is a link to the MTH Chart aligning engine vs replacement traction tire size needed.

There you have it, my process flow in addressing these problems.  This is not meant to be comprehensive, just a general thought process. I hope you found this helpful.



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