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The kids/wife gave me a Lionel balloon target launcher car for Father's Day. Pretty cool and fun car. In reading the instructions it says you should keep the voltage under 15v and if you're operating a Command environment limit the use to avoid damage. Is there an easy to modify the car to allow it to safely be run in a constant 18v environment? When I say "easy" could you include a parts list and diagram? I've installed a Cruise Commander board with no problems but if you say "add a rectifier" and leave it at that you might as well be speaking martian. Thanks!

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Get a bunch of 3A diodes.  Make two chains of five diodes with all the bands facing the same way.  Put the two chains of diodes in parallel with the bands on one facing the opposite of the other.  This whole assembly goes in series with the center track pickup.  That whole assembly will drop the track voltage about 3-4 volts.  You can probably use 1A diodes, I just don't know for sure how much power that car takes.

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