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Could not find a better forum to use, so hopefully this one is good.

I have two B&O Express Wagon Top boxcars that have a paint scheme no longer seen by my layout's era. 



The B&O circle herald was removed off the express cars well before my layout's late 40s era.  I would like to remove just that without repainting the whole car.  You can barely feel the design when I run my finger across it, so it might be painted on. 

Is this possible?


Images (2)
  • DSC_0005
  • 20240107_093123
Original Post

A Paasche air eraser will let you remove the yellow without taking off the green underneath. The green will be more matte than the surrounding green paint, though.

That said, I'm surprised. At the beginning of the 1940s, there were only 25 cars in this class. Fifty were built in 1942, another 25 in 1943, and 25 in 1945. If they had heralds when built, most weren't old enough to be repainted without heralds in the 1940s. And 100 of the 125 were returned to freight service in 1948 after the ex-troop sleepers were acquired. Curious if you have photo evidence for no heralds?

And are you sure the no-herald photos are these green cars, and not the later blue scheme that some of these cars were repainted into?

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