So my Lionel Corp tinplate 256 was defective last year and was sent in for repair in August 2013 with essentially shredded gears from a misalignment at the factory. The gears on these are pretty thin to begin with and it was a warranty issue. 7 months later and waiting for parts it finally got repaired and dropped off at my home today (and like dropped several times in shipping). Guess what?
I was so disappointed because the tech called me and told me it was good to go and running. Since it is a PS 2.0 model I went through all of the Barry checklist stuff and even in conventional nothing happened. I figured I would take a look inside real quick. Seems that the tech forgot to screw down the heat sink to the frame causing the boards to separate and giving me the DOA. I found a suitable screw and checked everything then reassembled. I am miffed by some paint loss by the body retaining screw slots on the shell, but oh well. Sorry but 7 months is a long time for something that is not inexpensive.
The good parts?
I have my Lionel Corp 256 back and with a much sturdier drive train. In the meantime I have also bought a red and black Rich Art 256 set, a MTH 256 with Varney and Wheeler Cars to go with it, and an original 256 that needs severe attention. 256 engines and passenger cars can be a serious addiction.
The bad?
Um, yeah, 7 months. Parts availability was the biggest issue. Frankly just too long in my opinion. Since brand M is the only game in town and I really love the new tinplate stuff I am locked in. Hopefully things will improve going forward.
Please do not start a brand M versus L or new versus old bash.
Thanks all for listening.