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Reading old issue: June, 2005.  in it George Brown made a comment about DCS performance that I don't think I've heard/read before. 


Quote: "Digital signals between the TIU and locos communicate with a 3.75 MHz range over the AC hot rail ensuring communication between the 2 are unaffected by "signal noise" resulting from arcing the electrical pick-up from the track.  (bold and caps mine - walt) HOWEVER, AT LEAST 16 GAUGE WIRE IS NEEDED FOR TRACK POWER FEEDS.  WE HAD 20-GAUGE ON A TMCC LAYOUT AND FOR DCS IT DIDN'T WORK".


I've never read or heard about "needing" 16 gauge wire to ensure proper communication between loco and TIU.


I've been running 14 to a central area and typically 18 from there to rail connections.


Any comment on the George's comments???


Maybe it's outdated info since he wrote it in 2005, but I'm sure he didn't just write that for the sake of writing something.


- walt

Original Post



While 16-14 gauge is recommended, my first DCS was added to a layout that used 18 gauge, solid wire. It worked reasonably well.


However, it was blocked and had Lionel #260 lighted bumpers on most, if not all, sidings. At least one siding was typically powered-on all the time.


Would leave George's comments from the past, in the past.

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