I am in the process of tearing down my old layout and rebuilding a newer, more simplified layout. I have a question about Legacy and conventional control. I have 2 ZW-C transformers with 8 180 watt Powerhouses that I have been using for years and they have performed flawlessly for me. I will continue to use them in the new layout. I would like to operate both Legacy and conventional at the same time on different tracks, but select which tracks are command or conventional for any given running session.
I have used the Pyle power strip pictured below to control my previous layout. I will use it again.
The new layout will have four loops, no switches to connect them. The loops will be totally independent. I want to plug 4 Powerhouse into one of the ZW-C's and power them through outlets 1-4 with that ZW-C connected to the Legacy command base. I would like to use the other ZW-C and plug 4 powerhouses into outlets 5-8, but not connect that ZW-C to the Legacy base. If both transformers were connected to the same four tracks, would I be able to select the loops for Legacy (outlets 1-4), and then simply select the appropriate loops from 5-8 and operate them in conventional with the non-Legacy ZW-C.
So for example, loops 1, 2 and 4 might be turned on and running in Legacy mode and loop 3 would be operated by turning on switch 7 and using the appropriate handle on the non-Legacy ZW-C.
Go easy on me here!