Recently I have been working with my 2 trains on 1 track systems, with blocks and relays. I fixed non operation when both sensor tracks lacked an insulator pin when assembling the train board on installation in the train room and with NO on the tracks, operation is the best ever.
I have also finished reading A C Gilbert's autobiography "The Man Who Lives in Paradise". It is mostly about pole vaulting, Erector sets and wild game hunting with very little about American Flyer Trains. It led me to learning about the American Flyer 1947 Electronic Rectiformer that allowed both AC and DC trains to operated on one track.
My question is could a normal Lionel postwar AC train and a modern Lionel DC can motor train, with modification to allow DC to come from the 3 rail O gauge track, both be operated at the same time on one track, with two transformers: one a AC and the other a DC transformer?
I can envision two trains freely moving about the whole layout (like the newer 18 v, remote hand held controller systems) and not just on specific loops that are relayed. I know the DC controlled whistle tenders and maybe eUnits may not work.
This may be a good question for Gunrunner John and other electrical experts to hash over.