Hi, I have been running mostly detailed N Gauge trains & Late 1940s Postwar 3 rail Lionel trains, I think I have stumbled into a niche that I am starting to like alot. I'm loving the idea of running "Big Size" Vintage late 1930s-1940s trains....and not having them all marked as Lionel Lines.
I found a box lot on ebay of "project junk" trucks couplers and a few misc parts & kits of wood & metal 2 rail O gauge cars made by All-Nation hobby shop in Chicago and some other brands without boxes. The kits have wood floors and ends with printed & lettered metal sides and unpainted metal roofs & metal ends
I was wondering if there is any way to date about when the All-Nation kits were made by the box lables, or does anyone have a catalog page or listing of what was available from All-Nation, I'd like to build an entire train of these wood & metal box car kits and maybee someday I'll find an older caboose & steam loco kit in 2 rail O. It would be nice to see what was available from them. I have heard they were made up into the late 1990s
As soon my package arrives I'll post some photos to help I.D. the stuff.
Also is there any type of trucks or wheels that would allow a car built for 2 rail O gauge to run on 3 rail Lionel track?, I know it is not scale but the only track I have right now is vintage lionel o-31 tube track. How would the low wheel flanges of an older 2 rail kit work on rounded top tube track, has anyone tried it?
I dont want to install "toy" train trucks on these cars if I dont have to.
Thanks for any help of finding more info on these type of older kits.
-Jason Rackawack