I have a fondness for rail and trolley cars that survived the scrap yards because they were converted into diner-style restaurants or were attached to restaurants -- often in a former train station. Something about the rail car at the side of the former Allentown Terminal Railroad Station (Central NJ) has piqued my interest. Maybe it's the fanciful green and filigree paint job? Maybe it's the tragic history associated with it?
Can someone help identify the type of car and its era?
Following are photos and my best guesses based on my lone passenger car book and some web searching. It's hard to tell whether the bottom side panel is all steel (steel clad wood?) because, on a zoom in, it seems to have board-width vertical lines all along it. However, these lines aren't visible in the side-shot (last photo). Note the length and twenty-two windows. The rear set of wheels are almost visible in this photo:
Source: Flikr
FYI, see this blog (about midway) for more photos and background history of the station and railroads:
Close-ups of the enclosed vestibule with two different paint jobs. The second one simplifies the design:
The paint job in the second photo reminds me of this 1941 Chicago Rock Island & Pacific car 151. The photo is from https://morguefile.com/p/79463 (free photo archive).
The "318" is the street number on Hamilton at Third for the train station restaurant. The "Spirit Merchant and Grocer" and "BJS" [Banana Joe's?] lettering are fanciful, as is the NY Central-style logo "Lehigh Limited Railroad". In 2012, there was a "Lehigh Limited" excursion train, but not in this area. The "Isabelle" is unidentified; I couldn't get any web hits on a Central NJ or any other passenger car with that name.
Best Guess:
Circa 1922-24 and something like an Osgood-Bradley all steel car with a vapor heating system (?) -- this car may be missing a vent on the right-hand side. Length about 73' but with one fewer window than the 1924 Osgood-Bradley Maine Central that I have a photo of. Based on various web-based photo comparisons, it seems possible that the car could have been a CNJ, but not necessarily.
The Bananas/Banana Joe's nightclub chain got the property in 2001. Previously, the station was Jillian's Billiard Cafe. I can't find any photos of that restaurant to indicate how long the rail car's been there. In 2007, a fatal shooting occurred in the parking lot, shutting down the nightclub. Last year, a homeless man was found dead (no foul play) inside the rail car. I've found nothing to indicate whether the car was just attached to the side of the restaurant for atmosphere or whether there was seating inside.
Thanks in advance to any and all forum train detectives.
Tomlinson Run Railroad