My layout presently has American Models brand flex track and AM turnouts (2 each) installed. I selected this option as it was very much more scale oriented than my previous Gargraves had been and the weathering and conductivity of the track are first-rate.
My one issue with the whole set-up has been electrical shorts when running certain cars through them. My best operators are my S-Helper Service collection of cars; they track well and never display any electrical issues. My worst offenders seem to be the new six wheel trucks on my Lionel-Flyer new-issue heavyweight passenger cars.
My Postwar Gilbert #283 Pacific traverses the turnouts without issue-either electrically or due to wheel flange size or spacing. My S-Helper S7 & F3 also run well. My Flyonel SD70/U33/ES44/Mikado & FlyerChief Berk also run well through them.
I've finally found that the real "choke" point electrically is the frog itself + the two running rails converging just in front of the frog. Insulating the inside of the running rails coming into the frog reduces shorting and the attendant sparking it induces. Today, my worst turnout offender finally showed me through wear and tear that the plastic covering in the frog that covers the molded-in conductor has been worn away just enough that the flange actually shorts from there to one of the convergent running rails coming into the frog itself. This happens on my Alton Limited & Blue Comet heavyweight cars almost at will.
My question to all is; has anyone found a turnout of similar dimensions and rail code that can be substituted and still mate with my AM flex-track? I wonder if Tomalco or Micro-Engineering turnouts have been substituted by anyone else and their opinions and operating experiences doing so. I'd like to find a product I don't have to fiddle with more than usual to keep electrical shorts at-bay. Thanks for any inputs!