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I am very happy to announce to our membership and readers that Atlas Model Railroad Company has decided to join us as our newest Forum sponsor!  Atlas participated with a banner ad quite some time ago but has decided to come back and join us.  We are very pleased with their decision!  As everyone already knows, Atlas produces many of the finest models available in our hobby in a multitude of scales and all one has to do is check out their "ATLAS O" pages to see what their latest offerings are in O-scale.  You will notice that their banner ad is on the right side of the forum pages so we encourage you to click on their banner and check them out!!  Please join OGR in welcoming ATLAS aboard our family of sponsors and advertisers....




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Well, you saw all the Atlas rolling stock I have on the layout and on the shelves in the train room along with a few engines. Atlas has me hooked.


Thanks for reeling Atlas back into the fold. Beyond all doubt Atlas produces the finest O scale model trains available to the model railroading hobbyist.


I had a chance to meet Jerry Kimble again at the Chicago O scale show. He is always a pleasure to talk to.


And then there is that Bill Seratelli guy in the repair department - he is always willing to help with any issue you  may have with an Atlas product, and a master in the art of customer service.


Welcome back Atlas !


Richard Gonzales  

Last edited by Richard Gonzales
Originally Posted by Richard Gonzales:



Well, you saw all the Atlas rolling stock I have on the layout and on the shelves in the train room along with a few engines. Atlas has me hooked.


Thanks for reeling Atlas back into the fold. Beyond all doubt Atlas produces the finest O scale model trains available to the model railroading hobbyist.


I had a chance to meet Jerry Kimble again at the Chicago O scale show. He is always a pleasure to talk to.


And then there is that Bill Seratelli guy in the repair department - he is always willing to help with any issue you  may have with an Atlas product, and a master in the art of customer service.


Welcome back Atlas !


Richard Gonzales  

How does 1 get an email off to Jerry? I've been posting color/lettering schemes for mostly Atlas 4750&5161 cvd grain hoppers to get Atlas to consider on this forum,but they need to go directly to the Atlas Research & Development Dept.

Thank you,

Al Hummel

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