Hey Guys,
I've finally gotten it through my thick scull that a dc motor only draws what it needs, so that if I have a 6 dcv motor hooked to a 9 dcv power supply, the motor won't burn up.
But, . . . what'a'bout dc powered led lights? If I hook a 3 volt led light to a 9 volt battery, will the light burn up?
The reason I ask, is that I like using 7 to 9 dcv motion detectors to turn on dc powered accessories when the train passes. (It has worked great with my Atlas Oil Pump.)
But, the new accessory I want to hook to one of these motion detectors uses 3 dcv led lights. If I send 7 volts through a power line to my motion detector, and then the out-put line of the motion detector runs to the led lights, will the 7 volts "pass through" the motion detector switch and out to the led lights, causing them to burn out?
The accessory I want to turn on and off is an East Coast Circuit, burning fire circuit. The instruction say that is uses 3dc volt leds. I think is says that it uses 4 of these leds.
Thanks for any advice.