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Here’s a project that I did over the course of a week , fitting it in as the daylight fades . I have three of these tunnels , this one having no bridges or houses was selected.  I sprayed  on two coats of white  and added some gray for rocks then drilled the small holes for the bottle brush trees . Next step was to spray a heavy coat of clear coat , and while it was still wet I sprinkled on the glitter.  After drying for a day or two I sprayed on another clear coat to seal in the glitter.  ( all the spray paints and clear coats were bought at Lowe’s , and the glitter from a craft store )   In some of the photos you can see that I trimmed some of the trees so they would lay flat against the sides of the tunnel.  The trees are all hot glued onto the mountain from the inside . If I need to replace any of them it will be easy and not wreck the white paint .  CD5C82F6-4AD1-4F34-A846-61B3044C40A28ED13460-EDB3-4416-B0CB-5030AB0D4F87FD035893-9E8F-43EE-9D35-D84803E430A9DB144CEC-FA54-479C-AB6D-59C8EE95916C17A8D27C-A870-418B-A514-491E7A36A0052C5F5659-6976-4D5E-9D06-D4A2029A5804B537A82C-33FA-44EE-8D69-B4A0718184D8F15646AF-F28C-4718-9E82-FA6AD3971FD77EAD3353-FBCA-4FBB-9A72-D1BD6727AF0A58763FFA-06E9-452B-8B20-8F42F13D1A4198DD62B7-1243-438E-8388-15D3C630D176


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I’ve started another one .  This project has been sitting around for sometime now, and after finding it while looking for something else I decided to move it to the work station.   What I have here is a PrideLines repro of a Lionel #2 Trolley , an Ira Keeler motor and McCoy side frames and end pieces.  I added the bell to an already existing hole and I cut the two wooden benches at my shop .  Now here’s a kicker .  When I put the side frames on and attached the two ends it squeezed the wheels so much that they wouldn’t turn . I even thought of re setting the wheels but could not . So I added four metal and rubber washers on the outside of the wheels , set the side rails on the axels and measured the distance in between.  Then I cut two brass hollow square stock 2 7/8s long and through bolted the frames on using 3/8s all thread .  Next up is bending some brass  ends and soldering them to the brass frame spacers .  Stay tuned . 92FD1D2A-4CBF-4066-BDF8-4BF146DD1AFAE65D64EF-484C-429A-84E5-C473D7A02A5DFACF4405-9365-4296-B230-DDF78B38C8993B388E34-AE22-475A-BFDE-719F981F3A258922D2EA-9E33-4C4C-B2C8-3D70C9EFD0FA6544D37D-CB11-496D-ABF1-83F5F913798E6FA8E251-5E6D-4A41-8917-3D9D39DD8FC57AB4C49A-7D95-41C8-9B4C-696E5E7FE00138B192C0-071A-4E94-A5F4-8A02DD402C2B825AEB66-E1CC-4AFA-AC50-47B5F6C2E5AC57954644-FA66-4D02-9724-33661D893983D3FF91A9-36D3-40FE-B795-660A761C9E71


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A few things going on over here . For starters , I put together my ice skating pond 26.5”x22” to go along with my winter tunnel. Now I need to clean up the glitter that got everywhere!  Second up is the staining and clear coating of my #2 trolley benches  and third in line are this weekend’s purchases from the Allentown fall train show . $243.75 for all that you see including entry fee and my $3.00 water and a metal biplane that I’m giving to my train partner that couldn’t make it to the show .  The 517 caboose and engine frame are for a project, the 3235 Ives engine was an impulse buy , and the parts trays are definitely needed!! .  I’m not sure I needed the basket case Stephen Girard cars but for $40.00 i figured I couldn’t loose. 8AA9F29C-9446-47DE-9291-CF0FF2B0C9D4FEA69543-EBB8-4D1D-A648-A3DD11542010FEAA3ED8-FF3C-4FB5-94CE-EC705724CB6A505FFBD0-466B-485E-8FCF-23F3F4327DC0635ADF25-0B63-41EA-A10E-BAD7138232427C9748EA-3447-4214-9FD7-A83E572EC0DD0B767765-EB42-4163-863F-2F8AFFB1421A9689A914-D6D3-426B-8D7D-AE51F99681657250742D-EC8E-4138-A754-7BA578E3CAE29FA76ACA-B73C-4637-8631-C6498182E6A74D88F7F8-8A30-45BE-AC52-1B8EA32223306970DEED-59BC-48CD-8792-7E938230A8C2


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Well here it is Christmas Eve and I’m finally getting back on the forum .  For the first time in a year I was able to set up a small floor layout under/around my brothers tree . This layout features for the fist time my skating pond and snow covered mountain along with a few snow covered trees that I made from roots of unwanted bushes from the fence row .  Plans have already started for next years ski slope !


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Found a new project to do at Spring York this past week .  A McCoy/Ives 4-4-4 . I say that because someone took the time and effort to put Ives plates and rubber stamp numbers on this McCoy . It looks as if it took a dive off of a layout , bent metal  and broken parts . Today I will be calling Henning’s trains to see if they can help me out .   The SGMA meeting and the members and their trains were the highlight of my visit .  Cheers IMG_5733IMG_5735


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Here’s an update on that McCoy project engine I bought this past spring at York . I found an axle  for my wheels for the front truck , bought a Lionel super motor,( I haven’t given up on fixing the McCoy motor , it’s now a challenge.) I sand blasted the motor frame , front and rear trucks , roof and body . Shot them all with automotive primer and then I used a black semigloss high heat engine paint from a rattle can . I’m thinking the body will be a green . IMG_6055IMG_6056IMG_6057IMG_6058IMG_6059


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Looks like the spray can has the newer type of nozzle that can spray while the can is upside down.  Every time I use one of those cans, it gets clogged after one use.  Since you can no longer clear the nozzle by holding it upside down and spraying until it's clear, I've tried removing the cap and soaking it in paint thinner, but it doesn't work very well.

How do you keep the nozzle from clogging?

I really don’t give it much of a thought. I’ve always just wiped the nozzles of my spray cans with a rag with a little bit of lacquer thinner on it . I have on rare occasions needed to stick a needle into the nozzle. That’s about it . I’m sure if one were to pop off the nozzle and give it a quick blast of air that might help . Hope I was some kind of help .  Cheers

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