Glenn was quite a character but I must say he took pride in his military service. I visited his shop one day on the way home from an Ohio Air Base in my full dress blues. He always offered me great respect from that day on.
On the subject of the flaming Cuyahoga River, I was returning home from intel training at Lowery AFB in Denver just after the fire. When checking out thru the medical section I was asked where I was headed and I said Cleveland. The medic says roll up your sleeve. I said why? He said: you're getting a yellow fever shot. Seriously, I have the shot cars to prove it.
On the subject of the odd whistle in the Hudson, it is a phase shift oscillator. A digital method of making sinusoidal tones. This circuit tried to duplicate the two tones of the blower whistle (440Hz and 746Hz). It gave more of a bell sound because of the ring off of the tones.
Okay Alan, its yours to close.
Lou N