I just re-joined the TCA but have to register for the meet on Thursday. I live about an hour away. What time do you recommend arriving? Are there really long lines and it's an advantage to arrive at 10 or 11 etc? I know people socialize beforehand but I also need to work a little Thursday morning haha...
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Im sure you would be fine if you got there at 11 or 1115. The last few Yorks, there hasnt been a huge mob in the Orange Hall lobby like days of yore. Factor time to clear the registration line and walk from the registration desk to where ever you want to start. Even if you miss the opening bell by a few minutes, not the end of the world.
Thanks! The Tca member registration is in Silver though right?
Yes, silver hall, through the lobby doorway under the "Memorial Hall" sign.
Lines not long, I registered at the meet last year and wait was about 10 minutes. Either way there are several staff members on duty at that time registering members for this meet as well as upcoming meets.
Before I had a vendor badge, I used to plan on arriving about half an hour after the opening. Why stand in line when you don't have to?