Woodland scenics set 2754 and Lionel set 6-37828 each have halfway decent 'pup' tents, but that could get pricey for a large number of them.
Also, check model companies that focus on 1/48 scale military kits.
The US army used shelter halves, commonly known as 'pup tents' where amazingly, two GIs slept in with all their gear. They had squad size GP tents as well, those were more for semi-permanent bivouac sites or training camps. Larger 'pyramid' tents were used in larger base camps. If you're representing a small unit in the field for training for a few days, have them in shelter halves. Pyramid tents weigh a lot, so you'd have to have several trucks dedicated to hauling them around. No light infantry unit had that capability.
Verlinden makes a few tents that while they're not perfect for the timeframe, would easily do: https://www.scalehobbyist.com/...-OkcECFQWUfgodRIoAKQ
The best one I've seen photos of is a M1934 'pyramid' tent, which looks like a very good model of one. I'm familiar with these tents in real life, having set them up for ree-enactment events several times. Scroll down near the bottom to see what I'm talking about: http://www.internetmodeler.com...ses/cust_dioram6.php
And all that tentage had stuff to go with it, you should have stuff like this scattered around: http://web.ipmsusa3.org/conten...generic-stowage-sets
WARNING, a lot of model stuff is dedicated to modelers of German stuff, nothing would look more odd to someone like me if you had a row of Zeltbahn tents for a bunch of GIs, German tentage was totally different.
WW2 camp scenes are one of those things most modelers badly screw up (I've only seen it done halfway correctly once and that modeler had been a solider in WW2). If you want some feedback on your scene, let me know.