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I'm working on the Atlas engine house and have yet to find a good way to detail the roof. I've used Kleenex painted black to cover the plastic roof, painted and dry brushed the roof various colors, and even used Dullcote and weathering chalks. I'm not happy with the results of any of these techniques and am wondering what others have done.


Thanks in advance,




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Unfortunately, I have taken the roof back down to the bare plastic and have no pictures to share. The crepe paper streamers are a good idea. I tried something similar with the Kleenex, but I did not cut it into strips or do anything with the ridgeline. I just sort of slopped it on. I will give the crepe paper a try as well as some of your weathering techniques.


Thank you.


The top row across are DER 670* volt meters. The black and red are VAC monitoring track power for track #1  and #2 [showing 18 volts on a 0-30 range]  The green is VDC monitoring Tortoise motors[shows 12 VDC].


The bottom row are DER 670* amp meters monitoring the two tracks[0-15 range].

The 3rd meter on bottom row is not currently connected.


*Meters purchased from a New Zealand company about 15 years ago. Assembled in Taiwan from Japanese components. 


 Power Center below.




Images (1)
  • IMG_1579
Last edited by Dewey Trogdon
Originally Posted by Dewey Trogdon:


Lionel's TMCC [Trainmaster Comand Control--18 Volts AC for railpower].


Tortoise switch motors are 12 volt DC.

Thanks, Dewey.


I've used Tortoise in the past, but I've not heard of Lionel.


I'll Google it and read more.  Interesting.  


I use servos now.  I hated the noise of the Tortoise.



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