Atlas O announced today the following:
- Seven road names of their Masterline Coalveyer Bathtub Gondolas - 4 road numbers each
- Five road names of their Masterline 55 Ton Hoppers - 4 road numbers each
- Five road names of their Masterline 25,000 Gallon Tank Cars - 4 road numbers each
- Six road names of their Trainman O Scale 40' Stock cars - 2 road numbers each
Here's a link to them with my discount pricing - link is here
If you're planning to preorder a whole case of any of these cars to get all four road numbers, use the discount code "case4me" at checkout to get a better deal. An unadvertised special.
Preorders are due to Atlas 7/25/18 and delivery is expected 1Q2019.
Thank you.