My reply was a bit tongue-in-cheek, I guess. The three rail crowd is demanding absolutely correct models down to the last rivet, so the purchaser has only to place on the track, or at worst use Kadee compatible pads for a quick screwdriver mod.
The 2- rail crowd has historically been a lot more flexible, although drawn to much more accurate wheels and track (in my opinion the essence of the difference between model railroading, and, say, model trucks).
There really is no reason that we, too, should not be demanding more fidelity to prototype, but so far only the very high end models are subjected to the same pressure that the 3-railers are exerting on Lionel and MTH.
I am quite happy with my niche, collecting inaccurate models in cast brass, and repainting whenever I get the whim. I am amazed at the success of the 3-rail crowd to get more accurate models.