Originally Posted by Bridgeboss Jim:
Thanks guys. I will try your suggestions and report back. One thing that is a bit hard to understand from the instructions is the proper switch position for on and off.
jim r
At pages 8-9 of the manual for this engine you will find the switch locations on the locomotive itself, all of which are under the sand domes. The ones that are relevant are the two towards the rear of the engine on either side of the (swinging) bell. The switch to turn the whistle steam and blowdown off and on is under the dome at the back of the bell; the switch under the other dome turns the main (stack) smoke off and on. Here's the manual diagram of the whistle/blowdown switch:
I should add a warning that on my 3000 the position of one of the switches was reversed so that the "on" position was actually "off". However, if your switch was in fact set to "off" you would not be getting any whistle effect, which I assume that you are.
Whatever you do, don't try opening the boiler shell to get at this smoke unit. I know from hard experience that they are best repaired by a Lionel techie.