I watched the Stout Auction Saturday and could not believe some of the prices realized. I looked mostly at post war and what I can remember 773 mint $3900, 773-1964 mint $2600 and Mint 736-1964 $550 or so and Mint New Haven EP-5 #2350 the best they ever saw paint and decals went for $8900. Most Mint/LN 6464 Post war boxcars the 6464-825 Alaska $525, 6464-325 $600, 6464-350 $500, 6464-400 $500, 6464-300 Rutland Mint $1100, 6464-275 $375, 6572 $425, 2360 GG1 $1050,$1900 and $2600 Mint, 6518 $650, #59 $1300 Mint, #57 $2200LN, 6817 $875, 6464-500 Glen Uhrl $400, SF Pass set 12780 $3700, 2339 Wabash $1350, 1872 General set $1750, 2341FM $3600, N&W 2521WS set $1800, 2338GP7$2000,etc.
Here is the link starts at page 7 for postwar: https://connect.invaluable.com...Z4UU4VXSBD?pageNum=7