Ted, thanks for the greeting...same back to you and family! Mike, agree completely you can't go wrong with a "Vette," especially the early years
Abut 1990 K-MART offered toy trailers. Reefer unit, tandem axles. Either intentionally or by dumb luck, the trailers were manufactured very close to scale dimensions. Plain vanilla, ready for the modeler to paint and decal as desired. John
Dewman...nice looking rigs! What brand and scale are they?
Lee...do you accept Triple A?? That's a nice Mack unit
Wow Paul, you've got a great selection of cars'.... I like the same models in different colors'... They look great'.... Nice job]...
😁This is some of the tedious work required for two tone paint jobs on restoring a Dinky, or Corgi 1/43 car. This of course is after removing all the original paint, sanding, and fine steel wooling , and undercoating.
These two are ready yet again for the paint shop'.... A makeshift interior added using Vintage Walthers metal passenger car seats... STill working on a steering wheel
Thanks to forum member, JDFonz, for getting me involved in this aspect of restoration on vintage scale vehicles of yesterday'.... When these babies are road ready, they'll look great on the layout'...😲👀
Paul, what a great looking street scene ! I love how the Split window Vett is leading the pack!
Ted, wow that sure is alot of work! I am just wondering what your going to do for the frame!
Thanks Mike very much'... Here is the frame'.... I will also add windows.. The only trouble I'm having is coming up with a steering wheel....
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Ted, do you have a photo of what your looking for? I might have something laying around!
No Mike, I don't. I thought I could build one. But I'm waiting to get my eyes fixed, and I really cant do real tiny close up work. I don't see any retailers selling 1/43 or 1/48 steering wheels...and columns... But I'll keep looking. Thank you very much Mike for your effort to assist '...😁
Ted if I find one I will let you know!
A quick post-Christmas holiday scene!
1956 Ford F-100 gets a tune-up at the local service station as a local steams by.
Hmmm... upon second look: the 19th century woodsided cars, 1914 atlantic, 1956 Ford, and 21st century Home Depot don't make for the most prototypical scene... hopefully I'm the only once who notices .
Ted - Contact me if you are still searching for Dinky toy parts. I have a great resource but am hesitant to post his contact info openly without his OK.
@hold*on posted:Ted - Contact me if you are still searching for Dinky toy parts. I have a great resource but am hesitant to post his contact info openly without his OK.
Thanks very much'... I'll be in touch'...
Ted, I’m really liking the interior work. Let me know if you find a steering wheel. You should see the wreck I’m working on now. Never had a car this badly beat up before. It’s really testing my abilities. I’ll keep you posted.
I have an MTH flatcar with a couple of red and white 1964 Corvettes. This was a b-day present for myself. I love Corvettes, and I love trains. The Corvette car is in front of the ATSF caboose.
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:No Mike, I don't. I thought I could build one. But I'm waiting to get my eyes fixed, and I really cant do real tiny close up work. I don't see any retailers selling 1/43 or 1/48 steering wheels...and columns... But I'll keep looking. Thank you very much Mike for your effort to assist '...😁
I have been following this thread with interest. When I needed a steering wheel, I've used a railroad car brake wheel with some of the rungs removed and attached to some styrene rod stock. See these picks of some rudimentary scratch built interiors I've made for my Tootsie toy truck rehabs...
As for seats, I've taken apart a 1/43 scale car, and made a mold of the bench seat and cast my own in resin. The same with wheel rims as seen on this truck...
Ted, great work on the dinky restoration...I admire your patience and skill! Mark, great suggestions on improvising a railroad car brake for a steering wheel.! I'll hope to remember that Mike G...I can tell you're a Vette fan, as am I...
Great scene Paul'... Seems as the motorcyclist always gets it'....🤬
@Mark Diff posted:I have been following this thread with interest. When I needed a steering wheel, I've used a railroad car brake wheel with some of the rungs removed and attached to some styrene rod stock. See these picks of some rudimentary scratch built interiors I've made for my Tootsie toy truck rehabs...
As for seats, I've taken apart a 1/43 scale car, and made a mold of the bench seat and cast my own in resin. The same with wheel rims as seen on this truck...
Mark, great work. I've though about using a rolling stock brake wheel. Just haven't wanted to deface the car. I have mold making materials, and I must admit, never thought about making interior molds. Great idea'.. and thanks for the tip'...😃
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Mark, great work. I've though about using a rolling stock brake wheel. Just haven't wanted to deface the car. I have mold making materials, and I must admit, never thought about making interior molds. Great idea'.. and thanks for the tip'...😃
No need to deface a car, there are plenty of aftermarket "wheels" on the net.
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Mark, great work. I've though about using a rolling stock brake wheel. Just haven't wanted to deface the car. I have mold making materials, and I must admit, never thought about making interior molds. Great idea'.. and thanks for the tip'...😃
Ted, I think I have something that will work for you. I will take a photo tomorrow. Just a side thought if you live near Menards they sell cars in a $2.99 bin if you end up buying something.
@mike g. posted:Ted, I think I have something that will work for you. I will take a photo tomorrow. Just a side thought if you live near Menards they sell cars in a $2.99 bin if you end up buying something.
Thanks Mike'.. No Menard's near me. I'm south west CT. But sometimes CVS has those cars... That's a great idea'....😁☑
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Thanks Mike'.. No Menard's near me. I'm south west CT. But sometimes CVS has those cars... That's a great idea'....😁☑
Now that I know your up, I can run out and take that photo for your.
Thanks Mike, It is a little too large for these Dinkis. I found a company in Spain that has 1/43 steering wheels. However the cost and the shipping is way too much. I also found brake wheels on the Hennings Train web site.
These Dinkis I'm working on may not get steering wheels as the interiors won't be seen anyway. I still have to look at what I have in parts. If I don't come up with something. OH well, time to move on. I appreciate your interest and trying to help me'.. Thank you very much'...😉☑
Hey Ted,
you know thinking about steering wheels, a well painted thumb tack may offer a solution. You are right, you only might see just the top of it.
@JDFonz posted:Hey Ted,
you know thinking about steering wheels, a well painted thumb tack may offer a solution. You are right, you only might see just the top of it.
Wow, Joel, that is darn good thinking'... That is the ticket'.. Excellent!!!!!!!!!!! Solves the entire problem'..... PERFECT'............☑😁👌👍
Thanks Ted,
looking forward to seeing how your cars come out. I spent a good four hours on one that I’m working on today. I took the plunge and cut off the old axles because the rust was so bad the wheels would not turn. Made some new axles out of nails. I’ll keep you posted.👍
Awesome stuff going on with the projects guys! Very impressive- must say I’m jealous of that type of skill. I’ve delved a bit into kitbasjing and for vehicles I do add decals, change up the paint sometimes but nothing to the level of what you’ve shown. Hats off, gentlemen.
been wanting to post these for awhile and wanted to post it before I get the things I’m getting in the mail! Some of this is stuff my dad gave to me, some from my pop’s collection and then some of my own:
In the far lane: Dinky Mercedes 600 Limo(with all 3 figures inside), the nearer lane Gamda Koor Sabra 1/43 Chrysler Imperial and a 1/43 Corgi Oldsmobile Tornado with retractable headlights
A new restaurant chain from out West is selling burgers, milkshakes and other good food out of the Matchbox Models of yesteryear McDonald’s truck, the Corgi Tornado is pulling in as the cops direct traffic. The very plain police car by the McDonald’s truck is a new pick-up from rite aid, I believe it’s made by welly’s. Stated to be 1:39 scale but just like the rest of their police cars they match up almost exactly with 1/43 road champs
another look at the Chrysler Imperial by Gamda Koor Sabra. Had never heard of them but interesting company with some very unique offerings. Also kinda new, I finally opened it- the 1/43 Road Champs light blue 57 Chevy going through the intersection. I was hesitant to open it, not because of value, but because it was my pop’s.
Speaking of pop- here are two of his Modes of yesteryear I’d like to find a spot for on my layout(and will eventually). A 1930 Packard Victoria & 1931 Stutz Bearcat
the modes of yesteryear I do have on my layout and a tootsietoy classics. From left to right: Mercedes 1938 SS, I cant remember the middle one- I think it’s a Packard?, and the tootsie classic from my other grandfather is a Model A
Broke our these Corgi Classics halftracks from their 1/50 scale line that also includes spun diecast figures and 2 dioramas. The snow-camo one won’t stay but I wanted to include it
A coup among the worst of them: Solido Mercedes 540K and a tootsie Kubelwagen
Wanted opinions on this one: I have this Atlas 45’ Pines trailer, but no tractor. I found an Esso truck with a Scania track that seemed to fit- does this seem proportional/would this be realistic?
more to come!
The Corgi series to which I was referring above was called “Skirmish”- there were sets of 3 soldiers with a vehicle. There were also 6 packs of soldiers. Here’s a picture of the boxes of the dioramas that were made. There were 6 planned but only two produced
Steve, it looks to me that the semi and tractor are a matched set. I think they look great. That blue Chevy in the intersection is a ‘59 or ‘60. Is that a Corgi?
Also had to chuckle because I have that old model A from your Gramps, except mine is blue and black. I have it in a junkyard on the layout.
@JDFonz posted:
This is going to be a work of real love'.. I know you will knock it out of the park as usual with all your restores'...👍
Here is a few pixs of the (THUMB TACK) Steering wheel'.. This was a really great idea from you. I think it suffices pretty good. And it didn't cost me a small fortune. I'm happy with the results'....😉 I also want to thank Mike, for his interest and offers of help'...
Note the new rubber from the Net' . 12 tires, $11. bucks...
Ted- that thumbtack looks great!
Im happy to report my nail axle tire mounts are going to work. Chassis painted today, body primed, working on the windscreen. When the kid painted it, he slopped all over the glass. Doh!
@JDFonz posted:Ted- that thumbtack looks great!
Im happy to report my nail axle tire mounts are going to work. Chassis painted today, body primed, working on the windscreen. When the kid painted it, he slopped all over the glass. Doh!
Okay Joel, time for some pixs, My curiosity is getting to me... I need to see this beast... How you making/cutting the wind screen???
Wow that is a perfect weathering job'.. If you wanted to it to look like a junkyard queen, you couldn't do it'.. It is cool, once you get that paint off, it will start to come back to life'.... Cant wait to see it'....👀
Yup, it’s pretty rough, but under all that blue, there is a beauty!
I’ll keep you all posted...
@JDFonz posted:Steve, it looks to me that the semi and tractor are a matched set. I think they look great. That blue Chevy in the intersection is a ‘59 or ‘60. Is that a Corgi?
Also had to chuckle because I have that old model A from your Gramps, except mine is blue and black. I have it in a junkyard on the layout.
I chuckled at your comment regarding the Model A, thought it was different for a tootsie(I.e. no plastic)
sorry so many Chevys! It’s a Road Champs and it came with a billboard frame with a really nice insert. When I get home I’ll try to provide some more info.
And thank you for responding to my request for feedback on the Pines trailer with that Scania cab. I dont know trucks that well, happy to hear that it looks like something that may be prototypical.
@JDFonz it is indeed a 1959 Chevy. I had a list of the makers and models but didn’t have it with me when I posted so I must’ve got it confused with a Jada 1957 Chevy And the Chrysler Imperial(I think a 1965) by Gamda Koor Sabra(made in Israel)
Also, your “weathered” Dinky ambulance reminds me of the matchbox superkings ambulance. Well, actually looks like quite a few ambulances from that era, naturally, but that pops out in particular
Yes Steve, I think I was dating myself on that Model A, but let it be known I have two older brothers that played with it first!
yes, I like the style of those old ambulances, being an oldfireman, and the fact that my son is a paramedic. I’m sure he will end up with it. The restoration is coming along well, should be done in a day or two.
Then hopefully my Toronado will be arriving (with the retractable jewel lights) for me to start a restoration on that.
Here's a nice Corgi VW Type 2 which, unfortunately, is really only at home on a British-themed layout, because of the London address on the side, the cargo loading doors on the left side of the body, and the right-hand drive. Anybody have such a home for it? It has a couple of chips to the paint but otherwise is in fine shape. The body is riveted to the chassis. Let's see pics of where you would place it.
What a beautiful restoration job in less than 2 days! Very well done! Luckily you weren't missing any parts.
WOW! That is amazing. Like another poster, the blue version reminded me of an ambulance my brother and I had but it was made out of plastic with an earlier grill. Nonetheless, your fine example has a lot in common with it.
Your model's side styling reminds me of a "Superior" ambulance but not the grill. Any idea on idea on what prototypes might have influenced the Dinky designers?
Again, great job. Thanks for sharing the before and after pix.
Tomlinson Run Railroad
Well JD that came out unbelievable. I see you painted the bottom, I thought I remembered you leaving the bottom as is, kind of like patina.
Well Joe, I painted this one because of the large amount of rust, if you look at the before photos it was so bad that the wheels were locked in place. I did sand the rust but it still looked pretty rough so I went ahead with the black gloss. You are right though normally I like to show off the patina.
As far as the type of ambulance, if you look at the before bottom shot, it does say Superior Criterion Pontiac Model. When painted it is much harder to read. So I believe it is a Superior. Dinky also made a Superior ambulance with a Cadillac chassis and body style.
Ah, a Pontiac grill. That makes sense. I'm much more familiar with the Cadillac Superior ambulances (and hearses for that matter).
But I love the look of this one.
Thanks for the update!
Can anyone tell me why I push the button on last post read and it goes all the way back to page one? It's not terribly important but it is terribly annoying.
@Forty Rod posted:Can anyone tell me why I push the button on last post read and it goes all the way back to page one? It's not terribly important but it is terribly annoying.
It could be that your special!
Wow Joel, you snook this finished product by me'... WHat an incredible job you have done on this one'''. Considering the condition it was in. It has finished up beautifuly'...nice job my man'.. EXCELLENT''..👌⭐👍😀
@JDFonz posted:
JD, I noticed that the in the before pictures all of the windows had a haze to them. Were they simply dirty or did you use some kind of product to clear them up again?
Thanks Ted, was waiting for you to see it. When are we gonna see some of your finished cars?
as far as the windows go, I polish them with polishing compound by hand, that also took the paint off that was on them. After they are clean, you dip the windshield in clear pledge floor wax and let it dry overnight. Voila! Clear windshield! Works like magic.
A 1967 camaro painted like the 1969 I drove in high school, Bullitt chasing the Dodge Charger and Marty McFly
WOW JD, what an amazing job! Makes me want to go find some that are in need of repair! LOL Maybe after some of my other projects. Once again what an amazing job!
@JDFonz posted:Thanks Ted, was waiting for you to see it. When are we gonna see some of your finished cars?
as far as the windows go, I polish them with polishing compound by hand, that also took the paint off that was on them. After they are clean, you dip the windshield in clear pledge floor wax and let it dry overnight. Voila! Clear windshield! Works like magic.
😀👍 Joel, I've been waiting for the weather to cooperate, so I can spray paint. I'm tired of waiting. time to put the large fan in the basement window on full blast facing out... ANd get these babies sprayed up....
Stay tuned...
@mike g. posted:WOW JD, what an amazing job! Makes me want to go find some that are in need of repair! LOL Maybe after some of my other projects. Once again what an amazing job!
Mike, you should try it... It's fun, I think you would enjoy it.... Plenty of wrecks on the Bay, at a cost that won't break the bank...💲😊
Wow, I've missed some great posts over the past few days.!
JDFonz...incredible restoration on the ambulance! Whit, great selection of cars...I noticed green Stang...just added a similar one to the layout! Is it a Yatming?
The burgundy Buick Riv may be similar to one on my layout...maybe a FM??
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Mike, you should try it... It's fun, I think you would enjoy it.... Plenty of wrecks on the Bay, at a cost that won't break the bank...💲😊
Hi Ted, what do you search for on the bay when your looking for them>?
@Capetrainman posted:
Paul, I really like the Mustangs, but man how can you go wrong with a 67 split window Vett with a hot blonde!
Mike, just type in corgi, or dinky and you’ll have pages to look through. Get ready for some sticker shock though. But if you are patient you can find some bargains.
Looking forward to seeing some restos from you. I think I have Ted hooked!👍👍
JD, you were right plenty of pages to look at and some good prices but the shipping can really get you! LOL I found one for $1.59 then $27.99 shipping from France! I think I will pass! LOL
The Bullitt mustang and the dodge charge were manufactured by green light, purchased from Menards
the Buick Riv is part of the Franklin Mint cars of the 60’s. Which also included the split window vet on your display. Interesting they are both the same color.
I know some my already know but the reason I haven’t been very active here is because I’m recovering from Covid and Pneumonia in both lungs. Please bare with me because I’m have some post Covid symptoms like short of breath. There thinking my lung tissues have been damage but who knows in time will tell.
Your stuff looks great keep posting we made it to 50 pages I’m happy about that I didn’t think this tread would make it pass 10 when I start it. There’s just something about restoring old toys and change them up a little I understand stand the thrill you guys are experiencing. Thanks for your support here to keep this thread going.
@Whit M posted:
I like the Back to the future pic. I love that movie. Thanks for posting
Lee, holy cow, glad you are feeling better. Probably pretty scary.
Mike, yes, that shipping will kill you, I’ve only bought a couple pieces from across the pond.
Thanks JD
Lee, didn't hear until now that you were dealing with COVID, but I wondered why you weren't posting. Glad to hear you're on the mend! Of your many contributions to the forum, this thread remains a favorite and I'll keep participating whenever I can. Received a couple of new cars in the mail today...will post them later...
Whit, the '58 Vette above is from that FM collection, as well as the burgundy Riv and '63 Stingray in my other pics....nice collection for sure!
rpmcobra...great looking rigs!
@mike g. posted:JD, you were right plenty of pages to look at and some good prices but the shipping can really get you! LOL I found one for $1.59 then $27.99 shipping from France! I think I will pass! LOL
Mike'... don't get discouraged. Forget Corgi, not many bargains on those. But Dinki has plenty, you must have patience and go through all the pages. The quickest way is to start at the very last page, and then work backwards'....... You'll find the right one for you. Don't bother with France or Great Britain... Too expensive.... The new ones from China are spin offs of the real thing. Not bad for fillers on the layout, but no good for restores....
Good luck hunting'..
@lee drennen posted:I know some my already know but the reason I haven’t been very active here is because I’m recovering from Covid and Pneumonia in both lungs. Please bare with me because I’m have some post Covid symptoms like short of breath. There thinking my lung tissues have been damage but who knows in time will tell.
Your stuff looks great keep posting we made it to 50 pages I’m happy about that I didn’t think this tread would make it pass 10 when I start it. There’s just something about restoring old toys and change them up a little I understand stand the thrill you guys are experiencing. Thanks for your support here to keep this thread going.
👍😉 Lee, I am happy to hear you are feeling and doing better. I was wondering where you were'... Please continue to take it easy. You'll be of the DL bench before you know it. In the meantime, we'll keep the thread going for you. It is a favorite by many, so don't worry'.. Can't wait to see your beautiful truck builds and conversions'... 😉👌🚚🚛🚍
Thank you all you guys keeping this going. Hope I get some mojo to start building again.
Paul. I like that station the tires out front set it off well
rpmcobra those Winross trucks look good on those flats.
Ted. Thanks for stepping up and keeping this going. I would like to see you restore that Cannonball GMC. I was thinking of building one of my resin one this year.
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Mike'... don't get discouraged. Forget Corgi, not many bargains on those. But Dinki has plenty, you must have patience and go through all the pages. The quickest way is to start at the very last page, and then work backwards'....... You'll find the right one for you. Don't bother with France or Great Britain... Too expensive.... The new ones from China are spin offs of the real thing. Not bad for fillers on the layout, but no good for restores....
Good luck hunting'..
Thanks Ted, I will give that a try! LOL
@mike g. posted:Thanks Ted, I will give that a try! LOL
Mike there’s also a option that goes from the lowest with shipping to the highest that’s just how I do it on eBay and find lots of bargains
Great scene paul'... Love those 51 Chevys.... 👍😊
LOL! Mikeg. You just brightened my day.
After I tackle some challenging weekend school work (AKA "the dissertation"), I hope to photograph my newly arrived 2012 Dodge Charger R/T to share with you all.
Thanks for the entertaining break. I needed that.
@TomlinsonRunRR posted:LOL! Mikeg. You just brightened my day.
After I tackle some challenging weekend school work (AKA "the dissertation"), I hope to photograph my newly arrived 2012 Dodge Charger R/T to share with you all.
Thanks for the entertaining break. I needed that.
LOL Anytime, Now all I have to do is get some police cars so I can add lights to them also! LOL
Im looking forward to seeing your Dodge Charger R/T!
@lee drennen posted:Mike. Looks like you need a Tow from Big Joe and his trusted Bulldog
Lee thanks, if you look behind the Aid Car on the left you will see a red tow truck, but it is to small for these box trucks!
Mike. Ok I see it now Joe is on standby
Mikey. Wow what a impressive 30-40s vehicle collection. Thanks for sharing it
Mikey, Lee is correct, very IMPRESSIVE collection!
@West Side Joe posted:Here's a nice Corgi VW Type 2 which, unfortunately, is really only at home on a British-themed layout, because of the London address on the side, the cargo loading doors on the left side of the body, and the right-hand drive. Anybody have such a home for it? It has a couple of chips to the paint but otherwise is in fine shape. The body is riveted to the chassis. Let's see pics of where you would place it.
Nobody on this forum has a british-outline layout or knows of someone who does, that could provide a home for this VW?
Update: found a home for it.
Hey Mikey, who manufactures those fine 40’s vehicles?
Looks like some are ‘30’s as well. Very nice!
Just added the yellow GT 500 and the British Racing Green Jag "XKE" to the layout just in time for the rally! Still putting the finishing touches on the scenery and parking lot striping.
Anyone remember the advertising slogan of "Hi neighbor, have a Gansett" from the Narragansett Brewing Company many years ago? Note the Atlas "special run" car in background
@Capetrainman posted:Just added the yellow GT 500 and the British Racing Green Jag "XKE" to the layout just in time for the rally! Still putting the finishing touches on the scenery and parking lot striping.
Anyone remember the advertising slogan of "Hi neighbor, have a Gansett" from the Narragansett Brewing Company many years ago? Note the Atlas "special run" car in background
😁🍺 I remember it well Paul. Plus been visiting Narragansett for the past 38 years, and have enjoyed a nice cold Narragansett'....☑