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Trying to figure out why when I'm controlling my switches using Base 3 on my Apple I pad and running an engine using the  Lionchief  app on my I phone the engine shuts down whenever  I throw a switch  , I have to lower the speed control on my phone  to stop and push it back up again before it will move. Anyone else have this happen?

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That is really interesting.  Just a couple of questions to help troubleshoot.

What brand are the switches? Are the switches programed into the Base3 and are they the same number as the locomotive? You're using the Base3 side of the app to control them?

Why are you using the lionchief app vs programming those engines into the Base3 and using the Base3 side of the app?

Sounds like either an odd bug or weird coincidence that the switch and locomotive are both getting the signal at the same time.

@NeOhiofan posted:

I have the base 3 as well. I have not programmed my switches yet but when i use a cab1L remote and the app on my phone to run the same engine it causes issues. Loss of throttle control, etc

I suspect it has to do more with the Cab1Ls inability to do 2 way communication.  The Cab1L has no idea what the speed set by the App is.  I'd recommend operating an engine with one or the other but not both.

@MartyE posted:

I suspect it has to do more with the Cab1Ls inability to do 2 way communication.  The Cab1L has no idea what the speed set by the App is.  I'd recommend operating an engine with one or the other but not both.

My issue with this Marty is that while the CAB1L is not aware of current status, the BASE3 is aware as it sent the commands to the engines. Why can't it realize that the last command to the engine was commanded at a particular speedstep and then when the CAB1L sends a command to decrease or increase that speed, the BASE3 can just increase or decrease the speed vs. starting over. Obviously the BASE3 is keeping track of current engine status as when a change is made on the CAB2 the CAB3 screen will almost immediately update with that change and vice versa.

The BASE3 knows what's going on, why can't it intercept the command knowing that the CAB1L is not a smart device and just adjust the speed without starting over from speedstep zero? Is this because the BASE3 doesn't know if a command was issued from a CAB1L or CAB2?

I got it- it's not like Base3 and CAB3 are bug free yet, but hey, let's rewrite how Legacy command structure works, so that Legacy lite- you know the one with intentionally less features- now has new added features never tested before.

Again, let's take a brand new system, it's not even gotten the kinks all fixed, but let's change how the system works????

@Reading RR posted:

We use the Base 3 at our club, but the preferred remote for legacy engines is the Cab2.  And Cab1l for TMCC engines.  The Cab2 was Lionel's high point for remotes.  Very few members use the App. and those who do complain to me and I say email Lionel.

While I agree the CAB2 is far more capable than the CAB1L, the CAB1L is more "handy" and certainly more robust.  What would be really nice is a CAB1L that had two-way communication so it didn't screw things up.

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