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Small 4x8 layout dcs with postwar 2 zw's for power lights etc.

Recently inner loop with postwar engine and cars would move briefly and blow 7.5 and or 10 amp fuse hooked up to that side.

In the end it was the postwar 2472 caboose see i thought maybe the postwar engines tried several and each time fuse would blow until i removed the caboose.

Wound up being the pickup roller spring part TCL-45 as it was worn out to where roller would hit the front or was it the back of the base plate(forget) it is in and blow the fuse.

Now will buy more springs and change them out in my tenders as well to have piece of mind.Other than that the simple DCS layout has given me many years of trouble free operation .

Anyone else ever have something simple like that  make them scratch there head until solved?



Original Post

Not like this, but I had even more of a head scratcher on my previous layout.  One day after several years of running without problems, a short appeared that brought all trains on both my inner and outer loops to a halt.  Whenever I applied power to either track, my KW's breaker would kick.  This went on for about 4 days.  I checked everything under the sun and found no cause.  Then one day the problem resolved itself, never to recur in the remaining years I had the layout.

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