I know it's a pretty trivial thing, but I like those little red lights on the track bumpers. Now that I switched from TMCC to Legacy, my subway runs fine but those bumper bulbs don't light up any more. Any suggestions?
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Which bumpers?
If they're the Fastrack lighted bumpers, I can venture a guess!
The 6-12715 lighted ones that snap into the tubular track.
Switching from TMCC to Legacy doesn't have anything to do with the bumpers. And they are not Fastrack, so they don't have that intermittant issue. Is the center rail still powered at the bumper? Common outside rails still hooked up? 18 vdc bulbs?
Yep. Nothing has changed. Before I set up the subway, I could turn the speed control on the Cab-2 and the bumper lights would come on. After I set up the subway, the subway runs fine but the bumper lights never come on.
When I was using TMCC, the bumper lights would turn on as soon as I started up the track power. I thought that's what should happen with Legacy, regardless of what's going on with the subway.
Quite confused.
Check the bulbs
Or, should I call up the Powermaster first on the Cab-2 and turn up the track power to turn on the bumper lights, and then call up the subway?
I barely understand how this works yet.
Legacy w/Cab2 and then track power of 18 VAC
Thank you. Will try that.
OK, think I got it. Turn on power supply, turn on CAB-2, call up Powermaster, press BOOST, bumper lights and subway train light up. Thank you for the help. 😊