Thought this purchase would be the realization of a fascination from the late mid-50's. The fascination was in Lionel's catalog image of a New Haven EP-5.
Personally I find the K-Line scale version the nicest. Found on on eBay NIB with both pilots intact based on pictures.
But this is how it arrived August 2.

One of the "fra-gil-e" (Christmas Story) pilots was snapped off. And somehow one of the electro-coupler's wires ripped away.

As Ralphy says in the movie "in our height of revelry ... ." The wind was sucked out of my sails.
For a couple of weeks pondered the best way to try and fix this. Conjured up this fixture to work with the broke pilot on.

Decided best fix was to literally fix the pilot to the frame of the "front" forward end. With my almost thirty-years in Nuclear-QA had to have a checklist of actions.

After two-days of very careful delicate work the results.

Rear end with pilot mounted as built on truck. This allows free movement for coupling to consist.

Now I feel really good and very happy with the results. The fixed pilot on forward end looks great.