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Cmontagna posted:

I have recently moved and finally got my first Glenn Synder shelf at the York show last week. I was able to get the vision line Big Boy on display with the Aux. Water Tender and the MTH Sun Valley observation car. Currently working on finishing the basement so I can begin layout work.

Awesome.  It inspires me to get my poker room finished in the basement so I can display more items!

WITZ 41 posted:

Nice PAs. Paint those trucks gray! 

You know WITZ,  you've got me thinking...   I have the AT&SF and have ordered the upcoming 3rd Rail D&H's, both of which have the silver trucks (which I've always liked) so perhaps the UPs may get the gray paint instead of all 7 cars!

c.sam posted:
WITZ 41 posted:

Nice PAs. Paint those trucks gray! 

You know WITZ,  you've got me thinking...   I have the AT&SF and have ordered the upcoming 3rd Rail D&H's, both of which have the silver trucks (which I've always liked) so perhaps the UPs may get the gray paint instead of all 7 cars!

If you're interested in Alco PAs on the Union Pacific I strongly recommend getting a back issue copy of 'The Streamliner' Vol.8 No. 3.


Of the research I've done on the UP for these locomotives, this issue has the most comprehensive and concise information in one place for timeline on the delivery, paint, numbering, modifications, and division use.

Union Pacific Historical Society sells back issues or I've found other sold out issues on eBay. 

I broke down a few details when 3rd Rail announced them on this previous post:



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up148 posted:
That is a nice looking loco Will. Whose import is that?



Thanks Butch.

US Hobbies/KTM.  Late 60s, 1968 I think. Like most O scale KTM very robust for a brass model.

This one is from Seacrest I auction.  Lots of finely done modifications and details added to it. Newer drive train, added interior cab details, and newer lighting.  Cord and 9pin prongs cleverly hidden in the coal auger, but will probably need an enormous radius because of it. Excellent runner. I'm not sure who the brass modeler was that did these upgrades for Jim but they did an excellent job.  (I have a suspicion but no proof). Serious expert skill well beyond my hopes.  It's so good that I'm probably going to live with the prototypical difference.  "#5032 didn't look quite like this.  #5031 however looked very much like this, photo evidence even shows it with an unmodified Vandy tender late in its service life.  My desire would be to renumber it #5031 but I'm terrified to do so at this time!

It's the second TTT I've owned.  The first one I picked up from a modeler in California. I previously posted it on this thread. It was also heavily modified but I sold it to another UP fanatic forum member.  These appear to be fan favorites because I've only seen 5 or so in many years (the 2 I've touched, 2 more were already owned by the UP fan I sold my first one to, and the latest one on Seacrest III auction.  I don't know what the total KTM production number was.

There is one available for sale on Seacrest III auction, but while nicely weathered it appears very close to stock (small stack, old 2-prong, etc.) but it might be a nice candidate for super-detailing.   Even with original drive and motor KTMs run well.  My KTM 4-8-2 still has the original drive.  It's a little growly, but smooth, it runs like a sewing machine, and pulls like crazy. 

I'm still working on the E7 pilot modification. Thanks again.  But honey-do's keep getting in the way.  I hope to make some progress in the next few weeks. 

Still need to get my hands on a PSC 17003-1 late Bull-Moose.  Also, I wish I 3rd Rail would take another crack at a late 4-10-2, #5097 or similar.

Just waiting on the GGD Harrimans.

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It's a great locomotive Will.  TTT is a favorite of mine too. I'm still looking for one that got away from me back in the late 90's when I sold off my entire collection due to real world needs. Bought it from a hobby shop owner in the UK named Peter Bassett and he heavily modified it including full interior boiler detail when you opened the smokebox door. Wiring hidden in the boiler handrails, plus many, many correcting modifications.

There was an article in OSN a few years after I entered it in the March Meet model contest back in the mid 90's because Greg Heier liked it a lot.  It came in 2nd behind a Louis Bartig hand built moder. I'll check the road number as I would like to buy it back if I ever find it.

The USH models tended to be built pretty generic, but as you know are highly modifiable.  Lovely locomotive Will. 



Just stumbled upon this thread. My dad is big Union Pacific fan! He watched the UP run through Hanover, Kansas on the Marysville sub as a kid. I like UP too but also MoPac, Katy, and SP since I grew up seeing them here in Austin, Texas.

UP Steam Temple 2009

Lionel UP #9000 waiting for orders to leave town as the 3rd Rail UP #4023 comes charging through town.

AMRE 09-10 C

Lionel Challenger #3977 pulling a block of reefers. Later that weekend he pulled GGD heavyweights and 3rd Rail Harrimans cars


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  • UP Steam Temple 2009
  • AMRE 09-10 C
Last edited by Texas Eagle 77
WITZ 41 posted:


That's awesome. Your outdoor layout?

Nice EMD. Not too many modern locos posted here yet.

WITZ 41,

The G&O is a layout that is being built by the San Leandro Historical Railway Society in San Leandro, CA.

San Leandro is across SF Bay from San Francisco.  Here is a link to the G&O post on this forum:

NH Joe


Texas Eagle 77 posted:

Just stumbled upon this thread. My dad is big Union Pacific fan! He watched the UP run through Hanover, Kansas on the Marysville sub as a kid. I like UP too but also MoPac, Katy, and SP since I grew up seeing them here in Austin, Texas.


Lionel UP #9000 waiting for orders to leave town as the 3rd Rail UP #4023 comes charging through town.


Lionel Challenger #3977 pulling a block of reefers. Later that weekend he pulled GGD heavyweights and 3rd Rail Harrimans cars

Ricky - Hanover KS, you say...!  That is also where I spent a lot of time watching the UP run through town (in the 1950's).  I got to be best friends with the then station agent - the tracks were about three blocks from my grandmother's house (Hanover was/is a farming town of about 800 people then - probably more like 600 now - so this is an interesting coincidence).  The UP had to double head their freights between Hanover and Marysville, so there was a helper engine stationed at Hanover - I managed to get a cab ride from the station to the turntable when I was about 6 or so.  The best part about visiting my grandmother (well, one of several best parts - hard to beat homemade cinnamon rolls) was watching (and hearing and feeling) the 9000 class (3-cylinder 4-12-2) steam engines roll through town - sometimes double headed. 

Alas, the Marysville sub mainline now by-passes Hanover.

richs09 posted:
Texas Eagle 77 posted:

Just stumbled upon this thread. My dad is big Union Pacific fan! He watched the UP run through Hanover, Kansas on the Marysville sub as a kid. I like UP too but also MoPac, Katy, and SP since I grew up seeing them here in Austin, Texas.


Lionel UP #9000 waiting for orders to leave town as the 3rd Rail UP #4023 comes charging through town.


Lionel Challenger #3977 pulling a block of reefers. Later that weekend he pulled GGD heavyweights and 3rd Rail Harrimans cars

Ricky - Hanover KS, you say...!  That is also where I spent a lot of time watching the UP run through town (in the 1950's).  I got to be best friends with the then station agent - the tracks were about three blocks from my grandmother's house (Hanover was/is a farming town of about 800 people then - probably more like 600 now - so this is an interesting coincidence).  The UP had to double head their freights between Hanover and Marysville, so there was a helper engine stationed at Hanover - I managed to get a cab ride from the station to the turntable when I was about 6 or so.  The best part about visiting my grandmother (well, one of several best parts - hard to beat homemade cinnamon rolls) was watching (and hearing and feeling) the 9000 class (3-cylinder 4-12-2) steam engines roll through town - sometimes double headed. 

Alas, the Marysville sub mainline now by-passes Hanover.

My dad's grandparents lived there too. His father grew up there and then went into the army and that is how dad ended up in Texas. His grandparents lived up the hill from the depot when my dad visited. He would run down to the depot or watch trains from the upstairs window. before that the family lived on a farm out outside of town on a hill. Their old rock house is now a barn. Dad started to visit there in 56 so he missed the 9000's but said he remembers F-Units going through mostly. Dad's favorite was homemade apricot kolaches. I got to go up there once and saw the trains go by the old Pony Express Station. Do you have a picture of the UP Depot in Hanover? Does the last name Dolifka ring a bell with you?

Good grief Butch! Looks very similar.  I've already packed it away until I have my display for it ready. I was handling it so gingerly I didn't think to check if the smokebox door opened. I'm going to pull it back out tomorrow. Now you've got me worried on the likelihood that the prize of my collection might actually be this same loco you've been searching for.  You're killing me.

WITZ 41 posted:

A little more progress....

Remove door hand grabs and 1953+ herald decal to prep surface for 1948 herald.  Remove number boards and altering them to train No. 9. Fashioning hand grabs for roof of cab over windows.





Will, I'm just catching up on this thread and what a fantastic job you've done with the E-7.  It really came out fantastic and shows a lot of talent. The pilot sits just right and looks super. 



3rd Rail E7 pilot progress.....

Blasted a bit of Harbor Mist Gray this morning.

1948 E7 #998 Prototype:


Unmodified OMI Brass E6 UP pilot:




Work done and to be done:


The blue circles show modification of the OMI E6 pilot.  The pilot steps and sides of the pilot were ground down, filled with plumbers bond, then filed out to new square step positions.  The E6 pilot was narrower to point so it had to be bent out forward (flattened) rounder and the vertical crease was filed off the lower front. To match the E7's slots, some were filled and then re-drilled to move them in towards the center, and make them smaller.  The prototype E7 998 had the lower removable panel longer out more to the right of center leaving only three holes on that side.  I couldn't do anything about that other than to fill the innermost hole to create the visual illusion.  Along the top I had to file down the entire lead edge to get a flush fit with the cab when mounted back on the the frame.

In red, I need to cut/slice lines to better define the hinge where the bond squeezed through when I cemented the doors shut.  I also need to do a little clean up drill work on a couple of the re-positioned holes.

Here's a few quick shots of the the Unmodified E6 and modified to E7 pilots next to each other. Sorry, the lighting and color is a bit off/darker in these photos:




Painting the trucks gray too. What a pain in the butt to pull these things apart!



Indispensable guide for painting and lettering UP diesel.

Streamliner Vol. 22 No. 1


Has great diagrams and most importantly a grid for painting and lettering guideline 1940-1980.


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up148 posted:

Excellent work Will!  I was just going to use the pilot as is, even though I knew it wasn't correct, but you're taking it to a whole new level and it will be a beauty and rival any brass loco out there. Nice Job!!



Oh, I don't know about that. But I think you and I have both seen something pretty spectacular.....IMG_20170626_121926076





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The newly painted Harbor Mist from Scale coat and the factory gray don't quite match so I pulled the skirts and painted them with the tanks.  Should be a nice uniform look  across the bottom.  

Pretty pleased with the results using rattle can Scalecoat paint and then Testors Dullcote.  We'll have to see.


Oh boy, painting little red and yellow circles or tiny yellow hand grabs without globs or brush-off is a lot harder than one would think it is.

Hats off to the pros who do this. I feel cross-eyed after 15 minutes of it!




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My new 3rd Rail E-8's need some pilot  modifications, so I might just have to send them to you Will.    You did a heck of a job on those E-7's. Actually, I really need to find some OMI E-8/9 pilots and hope they would fit, as I'd much rather screw up an extra than the one that came on the model.    


Last edited by up148


Looking at your photos (especially inside the boiler) you've found the secret to great lighting.  What camera and lighting do you use on these shorts. I've tried but can't duplicate your efforts. 


Actually the 3/4 shots have the entire loco in focus so you must be adjusting your "f" stops.  Looking in the boiler at the nozzle and stack is an incredible shot. 




You're going to laugh, but most of the pics I post here are taken with my Motorola Droid phone.  My opinion, the camera takes much better pictures than my wife's Samsung Galaxy or the iPhones that were available at the time I got it.

I find the best ambient lighting in the room or position, then I take several pictures same frame but adjusting flash on/off, or use the tap adjust feature to change the exposure on the phone's camera. The tap feature also allows me to "drag" the center of the picture focus to one side of the letter box if I want a near focus long blur shot or if I have to angle it so the lens is closer to the subject.

I find the phone, more than a camera, makes it easier for me to get the angle I want first and then instead of getting so close, I take a slightly wider shot than I want and then crop the photo saving it to better fill the frame.  This allows me to get a "close" photo but more importantly it has better overall focus across the entire frame. So long as I'm not zooming too much the clarity is not compromised...

Here's a few unused examples to show you what I'm talking about with over exposure or adjustments...

Each pair shows the extremes as I make adjustments until I get the picture I want.


Not Good.....


A little better......


Not Good.......


A little better......


Not good.....


A little better......


Too much exposure......


a little better......


Not so good....


I like this one better.....


Not so good......


a little Better......

KTM Union Pacific 4-8-2

Good Focus......


Cropped to fill the frame....


(Not quite sure what road number would be accurate on this one.....)


Eventually you end up with the shots you want.  Plus it's so much easier now with digital to take a ton of pics and delete what you don't want.......



I have yet to replace my actual older camera.  Still researching as I take more of an interest in photography.  For now I'm happy to focus just on the models and take the pics to share with you guys.


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  • KTM Union Pacific 4-8-2
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Great photos Will. I'm very impressed with how the turned out.  I tried to take some this weekend and I have a Canon Rebel EOS, I believe it's called that and they came out poorly.  I was pretty good at taking film photos back in the day, but will have to do some reading on digital even though I've been using a digital camera for years. And, I can actually take better photos with a FUJI 900 point and shoot we have at work than I can with the Canon.  Maybe the camera is just too sophisticated for me. 


up148 posted:

More shots of #5077 Will.  That tender is really, really nice. Love the coal boards. Is this another JS model?


I sold it to another forum member.  Fellow UP fanatic you may already know.  I know that it had a Jerry White drive and a lot of detail.  The Loco boiler, pipes, and pumps were close to stock but the smokebox was extended with proper light position and the stack modified/enlarged.  More cab details and a lot of work on the tender.  Not sure who did the work.  The additional Water box on top was a little out of scale  (too tall) but it gave me an Idea for the project TTT I purchased after I let go of the Bassett TTT .

I just picked up a rivet press and die set.  I figured when I finish the E7 modifications and finish modifying my Lionel FEF-3 with a sellers feedwater heater painted and back together I want to modify the KTM stock tender.

I've seem to be modelling the Kansas division 1946-1954 as a target era.  They ran a lot of great steam and diesels I like.  

I'm looking to match #5028. I wanted a prototype that had the BB tender (4 wheel trucks, Box added modified tender to 13,500 gal. with coal boards) , 4BL feedwater heater (just cause I like the way it looks), big fat stack, and time on the Kansas division within my era.  We'll see if I have the patience and skill to do it.  But for the couple hundred bucks I picked it up for, I won't feel too bad experimenting on it.

If  anyone knows where I can get detail parts for the 4BL I'd appreciate the lead.


Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photos Vol. 13 (James L Ehrenberger Collection)

The Streamliner Vol.4 No.1 (UPHS).  (info on TTTs and also has a lot of info on the two tone grey scheme)



#5029 was similarly equipped so I will use this photo for the other profile to model that side. 



I also frequently refer to this book:

Smoke Above the Plains (James L. Ehernberger and Francis G. Gschwind - 1965)



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Sounds like a great project Will. I have all of those books and the Streamliner mag, but have yet to find an interior cab photo of the 5000 series TTT. Obviously Bassett found it.

BTW, I have turned over every rock in the UK I can think of trying to reach Peter. Found where he got a permit to make a 3 apartment complex out of his hobby shop in the mid to late 2000's, but finding more info has been fruitless.  Even had a friend and member of the UK O Guild Gage ask around about him, but to no avail. He must have been a loner. Would very much like to discuss his TTT loco in detail.


86TA355SR posted:

The Harriman cars are being delivered.  I can't wait to see pictures.

Butch-sent to your gmail.  Did you receive it?

W.-Seem to remember seeing the 4BL in the PSC catalog.  Bill D may have something also.  I've heard rumor he may/or already has bought the PSC line of O detail parts. 

If true, I'm happy to hear.  We're fortunate to have him or all those parts would be lost. 


Bill is a great resource. I picked up the Pacific and a Mountain from him.   Hopefully he comes across a late bull-moose for me sometime.

 I ordered two fwh from Stevensen Preservation. But they're pretty rough cast and I will have to clean up the details. If I find something more detailed in the meantime I'll consider.

Must kill you to know your Harrimans have been delivered but you can't see them for weeks!

I should have pictures of my 2R set and 3R set by Thursday or Friday.

Golden Gate Depot 17" Harriman Passenger Cars

Union Pacific 

2 Rail TTG and 3 Rail Yellow

Absolutely Stunning plastic models. 


Worth the wait.  UP had many 60' Harrimans, but.....Keep in mind, for the prototypical UP modeler, these are a compromise as they are based on the SP's Harriman prototypes. Doesn't bother me one bit.  Haven't researched the car numbers yet but, I consider these high quality cars as good "representations" of the UP prototypes without having to pay the high end brass price.

GGD Harriman 60' Business car, 2R


2R and 3R side by side. (3R Hoses/connections sacrificed I assume for turning radius)




GGD Harriman  60' Lunch Car, 2R


Great roof details and interior details.


2R and 3R side by side


Detailed 4 wheel trucks are so much better than most other bulky O scale ones.  Also, Very happy to see accurate Gray color.  Will look superb behind the 3rd Rail Alco PA/PB Scott just invoiced me.


2R vs 3R lunch cars end-to-end.


Crisp underside detail and on/off switch.


60' Coach roof details look fantastic.  2R & 3R


GGD Harriman 60' Coach 2R


GGD Harriman 60' Coach 3R


3R coupled together have reasonable gap.  I'm actually quite pleased with how close they are.


Harriman 70' Baggage 3R


2R & 3R end-to-end


Harriman 70' Baggage 2R


Nice clean roof vents and opening doors.  Careful!  Held on with two tiny pegs.  One popped off in shipping, easily put back on.


These run smoothly on 2R or 3R......


Harriman 70' RPO 2R & 3R


Again, six wheel trucks are beautiful too.


More roof detail...


Harriman 70' RPO 2R


Harriman 70' RPO 3R


Thrilled to have them.  Thanks Scott and Team!

Now I just have to find the time to add the couplers to the 2R, and add plenty of Little People to all the cars..








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