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I picked up my new NYC Hudson a couple of days ago - WOW!!! As has been noted on another thread, this is a beautiful engine. I choose the 5418 with the standard tender which I find reminiscent of the conventional 783 and 785 in my collection. The applied detail is impressive, the engine runs nicely, and the sounds are excellent. If I have any complaint, it is that the various switches are back under the cab... while this isn’t a major issue, it does somewhat complicate the programming since you need to take the engine off the track after you do the programming to switch the engine to Run. I prefer when the switches are under a hatch on the top of the engine.



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I bought another project from my secret source. MTH Premier Santa Fe 3460 class Hudson 3464. It's never been run but is missing all the electronics and smoke unit. It just has the 9434 Pittman motor and drivetrain in the shell. It's a combination of 3464's shell and front truck with 3463's drive wheels and rear truck, which don't have white wall tires. No matter as I'll be removing the white walls from the front truck. This is going to be a Frankenstein project with the tender shell being from a Lionel 3751 class Northern (the final rebuild 3751 class Northerns used the same 20k gallon water capacity tender as the 3460 class Hudsons) and the chassis, trucks, and toolboxes coming from a MTH Premier Blue Goose Hudson (the Blue Goose was a streamlined 3460 class Hudson). Everything will be PS3 controlled when it's done. I'll be taking pictures as I go through the project and I'll start a post with all the pictures when it's done. Should be a fun project after the holidays. This is my 3rd Premier Santa Fe 3460 class Hudson. I already have 3463 and 3460 (The Blue Goose). Needless to say I like this model.




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p51 posted:


I finally got my Bachmann trench locomotive, it just showed up today. It has the best sound system I've ever heard out of a ready to run locomotive.

It's definitely going to need to be broken in, though.

Very nice Lee. Looks and sounds great! It needs a engineer and fireman. I assume your expert weathering is on the to do list too?


RSJB18 posted:
p51 posted:


Very nice Lee. Looks and sounds great! It needs a engineer and fireman. I assume your expert weathering is on the to do list too?

I don't know if I'd call what I do to poor unfortunate rolling stock as 'expert,' but thanks for the kind words.

Yeah, once I break this in, I'll be putting WW2-era Army markings along the side tanks ("USA" only, not "USAQMC" as was common for US Army Quarter Master Corps as I'd be explaining that every time anyone looked at it) and then a road number under cab side windows. I've settled on 5069, as that was a road number for one of the original Baldwin class 10s, and I recently turned 50, born in 1969 (and this was intended as a birthday present to myself, belated by two weeks due to Bachmann).

Then, yeah, some light weathering. they didn't go nuts with letting these things go even back then, so it'll get weathered about as lightly as my Whitcomb diesel.

At Fort Benning, they ran a small fleet of Davenports, copies of the Baldwin Class 10s. I'm using this and photos of them as a guide as to how to make them look. Note how they're clearly not OD green, even from the b/w film, unlike how the one on display at the Infantry/Armor museum there is now painted:

I want to get a solider into the cab wearing herringbone twill fatigues or a coverall and what they called a "Daisy Mae hat," which sort of looks like a sailor's hat in dark color with the bill turned downward. Maybe he'd have a fireman with a steel pot on or not. But I need to find some 1/43 scale GI's to put inside this to show how small they really were! I'll also replace the plastic molded 'coal' bunker with real crushed coal and spill lots of it onto the cab deck.

Last edited by p51

One of the few Diesel locomotives I've always really liked is the GG-1. For years there was one parked on the tracks just to the east of Lancaster, Penna. I'd pass it whenever I took the train out to Lancaster to go to my printer, Science Press, located in Ephrata PA. 

There are lots of versions of this available, in all price ranges. I display them only, don't run them, so all the bells-and-whistles—literally!—don't interest me. 

The one I bought is the K Line PRR, #K2780-4912IC.
I also bought the 4-6-4 Blue Goose Hudson Steam Engine, from MTH, #20-3436-1E.
I purchased both of these from people on the OGR For Sale or Trade forum.
I now have 17 "O" Gauge engines, plus two 1:50 Gauge Japanese plastic models, and my wooden Strombecker models. I keep rearranging my display cases and shelving to accommodate my growing collection! 
See photos below:


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  • DSC_0200
  • DSC_0203
  • GG-1-front
Lionelski posted:


Nice pics, and I like GG1's too (the traditional Lionel/Kline selectively compressed ones, the scale models just look wrong to my nostalgic eye), but they are electrics, not diesels

Yes, as a friend pointed out to me, electric. What was I thinking?

BTW, has anyone here ever bought anything from a place in Melbourne, Florida, "All About Toy Trains"?

Lionelski posted:

We were at the Kennedy Space Center last week (we actually saw a rocket launch to the International Space Station - way cool!) and I bought these items  in a play set that I'm gonna detail and add to Cape Warrenaveral. More pics will follow when I get around to that.

I also picked up some cool 1:48 Star Wars figures in EPCOT, and a robot from South of the Border in SC that I will work on. 


The items from the children's play set purchased at Kennedy Space center have been detailed. The Lunar Rover is on the trailer that came with the pickup set I bought at Tractor supply last month. The Star War Storm Troopers purchased at Epcot are being thwarted by the good guys from the U.S. Army.

All this is now happening at Cape Warrenaveral. 




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RSJB18 posted:

Not super exciting but something I've been looking to get for a while. Been in need of more small gauge wire for projects/ engine repair. I found a nice set of 6 colors 20 ga X 25' stranded wire. The dispenser box is a nice bonus too.

2019-12-19 20.46.322019-12-19 20.46.43

That's what I have been using for the last couple of years, the silicone coated insulation variety - love the stuff. But.... sooner or later, that will look like a ****'s Angel's hair hanging out from under his helmet after a 4 hr ride! They tangle pretty easy. 

Somebody shared their suggestion on how to keep the tangling to a minimum where this type of box dispenser is used - with a stick running through the spools. Danged if I can find it again, but sure wish I could. 

How about it, anyone remember that post?

GeoPeg posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Not super exciting but something I've been looking to get for a while. Been in need of more small gauge wire for projects/ engine repair. I found a nice set of 6 colors 20 ga X 25' stranded wire. The dispenser box is a nice bonus too.


That's what I have been using for the last couple of years, the silicone coated insulation variety - love the stuff. But.... sooner or later, that will look like a ****'s Angel's hair hanging out from under his helmet after a 4 hr ride! They tangle pretty easy. 

Somebody shared their suggestion on how to keep the tangling to a minimum where this type of box dispenser is used - with a stick running through the spools. Danged if I can find it again, but sure wish I could. 

How about it, anyone remember that post?

Many years as a licensed electrician has taught me to never let the tension off the spools. As soon as that happens the spool looks like a slinky after a bad fall down the stairs.

Lou1985 posted:

I bought another project from my secret source. MTH Premier Santa Fe 3460 class Hudson 3464. It's never been run but is missing all the electronics and smoke unit. It just has the 9434 Pittman motor and drivetrain in the shell. It's a combination of 3464's shell and front truck with 3463's drive wheels and rear truck, which don't have white wall tires. No matter as I'll be removing the white walls from the front truck. This is going to be a Frankenstein project with the tender shell being from a Lionel 3751 class Northern (the final rebuild 3751 class Northerns used the same 20k gallon water capacity tender as the 3460 class Hudsons) and the chassis, trucks, and toolboxes coming from a MTH Premier Blue Goose Hudson (the Blue Goose was a streamlined 3460 class Hudson). Everything will be PS3 controlled when it's done. I'll be taking pictures as I go through the project and I'll start a post with all the pictures when it's done. Should be a fun project after the holidays. This is my 3rd Premier Santa Fe 3460 class Hudson. I already have 3463 and 3460 (The Blue Goose). Needless to say I like this model.



And I thought NYC had some big hudsons.They got nothingon the santa fe locomotives.I have a railking santa fe northern ps3.I like santa fe steamers where oil burners.Being I am in the south east part of the country.There were a few railroads on the eastern seaboard that had oil burner steam locomotives.One that I know of Seaboard Air Line had a few that served my home town of monroe n.c.Its now CSX.I sure some one say a few other railroads.But I am only speaking Seaboard here.I have a few Mohawks(mountain type in the southeast)I am going to do some work on the tenders to oil tenders.

Peter Araujo, nice passenger car, and have you tried the sounds out? My dealer is placing people in my car which I plan to pick up next month and I’m hoping Lionel did a great job in the car. It’s beautiful. FL9TURBO2, your Christmas Diesel is Beautiful to, wow. There’s lots of nice purchases showing up today. Merry Christmas Everyone. I heard that Santa is on the move....Happy Railroading 

I'm the only one on this forum to have one of these on his train lay-out.

SUNP0001          It fires images of pirates in four directions, and then you try to shoot the pirates with a flashlight pistol before they disappear. It will be part of my "Knights of Atlantis" lay-out in January. I'll probably replace the skeleton with smaller pirates, though.



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  • SUNP0002

PART 1: Splitting this into 2 parts based on when they were purchased. Everything below is in the 10 or so days before 12/27. A lot to catch up on here- finally "made the leap" to buying a Proto 3 diesel! Bought some new rolling stock to go with my engine, some accessories(after the NJT pics), some more military items to add to add to the layout and a postwar passenger car by a lesser known postwar manufacturer. Well- just see below and I hope enjoy the pics and videos! Due to the amount of pictures/videos, I'll split it into two posts. This one focusing on my main purchase- an MTH Premier NJT P40 cab #4300.

Leading off, my first Proto 3 engine of any kind. Bolted down to Nick Smith's on the 23rd, hadan idea of what I wanted but ended up getting something totally different. :

On the Christmas day temp carpet layout


Christmascarpet layout. First time enjoying using command control of2 engines on the same track. My 1st command engine, Lionel TMCC Amtrak Dash 9, is on the siding. Other new items pictured are a Flyer 15b  transformer(off to the right) , Lionel Yard Lights, and an MTH workhouse(both by the siding)

Christmas Day 2019 Foor Layout 1

I've found out, afterwards, finding rolling stck/NJT passenger cars is going to be rather difficult. For now, this guy will be leading Amtrak or Long Island Consistsnjt p40 header

2 LIRR K-line passenger cars I picked up on consignment at an LHS. Gotta go back for the 3rd one. Kline Long Island

NJT video

MTH workhouses, Flyer 15b, and a really cool pick-up for anyone who likes adding a little military theme- boxed Corgi WW2 1:50 scale diorama with 3 diecast soldiers and a tank. There were 5 othersuch dioramas made.

Workhouse 15B Diorama box

The Corgi Diorama unboxed

Corgi Diorama

Finally, the end part 1, here's an American Model Trains/Auburn Model Trains Santa Fe Observation car with a fluted roof. I have 3 other AMT Santa Fe passengers already(2 are the same)- a coach, combine and now this Obs. Car which is the first one I have that has the Fluted roof:

AMT Santa Fe Obs side viewAMT Santa Fe Obs Car Fluted Roof


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  • NJT P40
  • njt p40 header
  • Kline Long Island
  • Christmas Day 2019 Foor Layout 1
  • Workhouse 15B Diorama box
  • Corgi Diorama
  • AMT Santa Fe Obs  side view
  • AMT Santa Fe Obs Car Fluted Roof
Videos (1)
NJT P40 mov 2 pcars
Last edited by StevefromPA

PART 2: 

My post Christmas purchases as I still prep for expanding my layout. Let me preface by saying on top of my day job, I referee basketball so that really padded my spending money prior to Christmas. Let me also preface with a description of the hobby shop from where I bought the pieces below this past weekend. The main shop has a bunch of new MTH and Lionel trains, accessories, transformers, track, etc... But that's not why I went, I went because I heard tales that this shop has "sheds" that are open only on Saturday with new, NOS, or used discounted items- this tale turned out to be true AND there was an extra 25% off sale! Prewar, postwar and modern. N, HO, S, O, and Standard Gauge. Lionel, MTH, K-line, plasticville, industrial rail, Williams, OLR, Intermountain, Marx, Atlas O and more. Engines, buildings, kits, operating accessories, track, RTR sets in the box, prewar engines in OB and not in box, MTH Proto 2 or 3, spent a good 3 hours in those sheds. 

Leading off is an unexpected purchase, but likely my favorite- An MTH 30-1167-1 PRR 6-8-6 Bantam Steam Turbine with Proto Sound 2. Wasn't boxed or in a case like the other engines that were in that shed. As I was looking at it, a worker passed by and said he'd take 50% off. Tested it out and it's been running on my layout ever since! While it is older(2000) and NO WHERE NEAR SCALE(same size as my postwar 2056), it's a real switch-up for me as I rarely run steam engines. That said, I really enjoy running it!

Chugging down the mainline.

PRR 6200 Side View

12-wheel Pennsy tender

PRR 6200 Tender PS2

Running a Bethlehem steel consist. The depressed flat car in the back is something I purchased there as well. Was very happy that it had the "Bethlehem Plant" name.PRR 6200 MTH PS2 B Steel Consit

Video of this steamer running:

Now on to the other items. Another shot of the Corgi diorama. The soldiers are new and are O-line Repro soldiers from ebay.

Hobby shop purchases: The building to the right is a large MTH Public Works building. Rather plain but plan on adding some detail, and, it''s plain exterior leaves it's function open to interpretation(military depot?). The tan jeeps are K-line "Operation freedom", Red Horse Van is a Dinky Toy, then the fastrack grade crossing. I really like the grade crossing and missed the opportunity to buy it on the cheap about 1 year ago, so I definitely had to snag this one.

Corgi Diorama MTHPublic Works soldiers etc

Next 2 pictures: Older MTH premier National Cab Company reefer(cupler is a little 'loose' so I'll gave to fix that) and a working Lionel FasTrack operating track section. MTH Realtrax O-31 operating turnout. A Postwar European Bridge/viaduct by Kibri(1949--1956) that has some neat detailing underneath with what I assume are clouds. On top of that is a prewar AF o gauge coach.

Haven't had the chance to play around with the realtrax turn-out yet but it is my first non-tubular operating turn-out. Have the perfect spot for it too.Nat Cab Company switch op track

Kibri Viaduct, the boxes for the 2 RMT cars( Bethlehem Steel Depressed Flat and Navy Caboose) in the background.

Kibri Bridge Car carrier

RMT Bethlehem Steel Depressed Flat and U.S. Navy light blue caboose(Pearl Harbor commemorative edition) with marker lights.

RMT Navy Pearl Harbor Commemorative caboose

Sorry, I don't have any better pictures of the big Public Works Building. Very happy and fortunate to have been able to find these at such great deals. 


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  • Corgi Diorama MTHPublic Works soldiers etc
  • Nat Cab Company switch op track
  • Kibri Bridge Car carrier
  • PRR 6200 Side View
  • PRR 6200 Tender PS2
  • PRR 6200 MTH PS2 B Steel Consit
  • RMT Navy Pearl Harbor Commemorative caboose
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PRR 6-8-6 MTH PS2Bantam Turbine

I had a very good Christmas this year! I picked up my second MTH PS-3 engine. A PRR Trainmaster on eBay  several days before the holiday. It’s a smooth running engine. Then on Christmas Eve I found a Chicago RR Club PS-1 boxcar at a great price on eBay. And a Christmas gift from my wife was a PRR CoupolaCam Caboose. It works pretty well right out of the box. But I want to play with the settings. 


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A Regular Dr. Pepper.

On the 3R train front, a PW Lionel 611.  Not the J.  The 1957 "NW2" switcher.  In Jersey Central.  Everything in running order.  Body good shape.  Cost a little more than two new Menards boxcars.  At a dealer at a TCA meet in Houston TX.

I put the NW2 in quotes because the trucks on the switcher makes it look like cross between a NW2 ahnd the 1970's MP15DC.

I took the shell off, and did oil the engine.  The truck/motor combo looks like the one MPC would use later in their first GP and F3 units.  Or am I seeing things.

Last edited by Dominic Mazoch

I just received this postwar Lionel 54 ballast tamper which works great. It did not come with any trip mechanism, so I improvised with a quick solution of using a popsicle stick wedged between the adjustment housing and the IR housing of the Lionel 153-IR activation unit. You can see what I am referring to on the right side of the photo. I have to rig up something similar for the other side of the track further down.



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My little man has been saving every penny family gave him for Christmas, birthdays, etc. ever since his 8th birthday in 2018...he finally broke the bank and purchased the Tri Rail he's been wanting for the past 2 years...he's quite excited!  He got some construction equipment for can see that he's in full swing digging out the future quarry.  He also bought a few cars so the workers who don't use Tri Rail can get to work.Tri Rail


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  • Tri Rail

Larry, That is a great looking locomotive Owen has.  Yes, I'm having a good week, and seeing Owen's happy face made my week a bit better!!

Canes RR, Congratulations to your son for buying a fine looking set and for learning the same lesson my dad had me learn over 50 years ago.  I had to save money for I don't know how long to buy my first train when I was about 12.

Thank you Mark, Owen and I have been friends for over 40 years and his train room is nice, he just happened to have this engine in his car and I asked him if we could check it out. He was glad we did, it’s a good looking Steamer. It’s nice that it worked right out of the box. He also has the L&N Mountain Steamer that we will Test next week. Wow, we also ran trains today. I just bought a Walmart lighted building for my train room. It was on sale. Happy Railroading everyone.E3B4CFAC-C68A-43A2-BC1A-F67E7C5646722E634F40-C225-4004-9912-89A15399B224


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leapinlarry posted:

Today, my friend Owen Fox, from Nashville, Tennessee  came to my home with his new Lionel Legacy & Blue Tooth NC&St.L Mountain Steam Locomotive. It ran superbly and is simply beautiful. I hope everyone is having a good week. F9E3B9AB-D1A9-4399-B844-23CEDF62B1155DA31949-86AC-444D-9F5F-7EDCC350044D0AD89B80-6234-4C75-8AC4-7561B3606F2128273610-C7E3-44FE-BA61-C20DAACB0EB44A0F15E7-96F5-4924-88C8-98CF864FFF49ABB6B298-7302-4D1E-AEBE-47439663CAA816CDEEB5-7C5F-4F9C-A4DD-1C9D15CBDCE5

Nice looking dixie steam locomotive.I come to like the mountain type steamers.I have 4 of them.Mine are MTH railking and they pull very well.

Well, the end of 2019 was tough on the old wallet... first I had the Lionel PRR J-1a and then the NYC J3a Hudson. Now...

First up, I received the two 3rd Rail PA’s I ordered from the second run - a D&H and a second New Haven...


The last items weren’t such a big hit since a Grzyboski gift certificate I got for Christmas paid for most of it - in homage to my quasi “lawn-guy-lin” roots, a Lionel C-420 and Dashing Dan caboose...


Haven’t had time to run them yet - that will be tomorrow’s adventure. I have to find some unused numbers on my Cab2!!! 

I think I’m swearing off engines  


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Apples55 posted:

Well, the end of 2019 was tough on the old wallet... first I had the Lionel PRR J-1a and then the NYC J3a Hudson. Now...

First up, I received the two 3rd Rail PA’s I ordered from the second run - a D&H and a second New Haven...


The last items weren’t such a big hit since a Grzyboski gift certificate I got for Christmas paid for most of it - in homage to my quasi “lawn-guy-lin” roots, a Lionel C-420 and Dashing Dan caboose...


Haven’t had time to run them yet - that will be tomorrow’s adventure. I have to find some unused numbers on my Cab2!!! 

I think I’m swearing off engines  

When programming into Cab remote I try to use number on engine. Easier for me to remember that way.😁👍

Joe Gozzo

Nice!  We only have 4 locos right now but a pretty small layout that can only run 2 at a time...I have to rein my little man in...every time we go to Ready to Roll he wants to buy another one...hopefully his latest Tri Rail purchase calms that down for a bit...can't blame him but he needs to get a job 😁

OliverCliffs posted:
Apples55 posted:



I'm so jealous! There is so much great stuff coming out right now, but that is one of the sharpest locomotives I've seen in while! Enjoy!!


So my Christmas order from North Lima Train Works arrived today (actually a replacement order for the original order lost by FedEx) in the big box.

NLTW 001

 The first part of this LIONEL Union Pacific parts order were the “Chatham” coach; “Clifton” combo car; “Plainfield” vista dome coach; and, large door baggage car shells, along with their respective interiors and frames.  The trucks and couplers were ordered and received when LIONEL had its 50% off sale in November.  (Top to bottom are the "Plainfield," "Clifton," "Chatham," and large door baggage cars.)

NLTW 006NLTW 019NLTW 022NLTW 025

These four UP cars were part of the LIONEL 6-31712 Anniversary set of seven cars and Alco diesels.  I initially bought the three I already had as donors for NP North Cost Limited and Great Northern Empire Builder smooth-sided, 15” aluminum passenger cars, but decided they are too nice to paint and chose, instead, to complete the seven car set and find donor E or F units to repaint to match.

 During the LIONEL sale, I also bought Pullmor motors and F-3 front motor trucks for them.  For some reason, the rear motor trucks were not available or over-priced compared to NLTW’s price, so my NLTW order also included two rear F-3 motor trucks. 

 NLTW 014

I feel fortunate to have acquired the motors and trucks at favorable prices since they are replacement components for those same items that were lost in a recent move from GA to VA.  There were a few miscellaneous parts also, but that's all for now.

And, again, props to NLTW for getting to me so quickly these replacements for those lost by FedEx.



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  • NLTW 006
  • NLTW 019
  • NLTW 022
  • NLTW 025
  • NLTW 014
Last edited by Pingman
Trainlover160 posted:
Apples55 posted:

Well, the end of 2019 was tough on the old wallet... first I had the Lionel PRR J-1a and then the NYC J3a Hudson. Now...

First up, I received the two 3rd Rail PA’s I ordered from the second run - a D&H and a second New Haven...


The last items weren’t such a big hit since a Grzyboski gift certificate I got for Christmas paid for most of it - in homage to my quasi “lawn-guy-lin” roots, a Lionel C-420 and Dashing Dan caboose...


Haven’t had time to run them yet - that will be tomorrow’s adventure. I have to find some unused numbers on my Cab2!!! 

I think I’m swearing off engines  

When programming into Cab remote I try to use number on engine. Easier for me to remember that way.😁👍

Joe Gozzo

Thanks Joe... I did consider that, but with the number of engines I have, it didn’t seem practical - too many similarly numbered engines. I decided to group my engines by type - steam, electrics, diesels, and “other”. Unfortunately, due to my insatiable appetite for new engines, the groups have been running into one another. I’ve got to sort out what is still available. I really don’t think I want to renumber engines...  

0E64D135-4327-4CBF-A2C7-C98561BB79FFBought this Atlas BNSF PS-4750 covered hopper via eBay a week or so ago.  It arrived, opened up the box and low and behold it’s the 2 rail version.  I thought it was 3 rail.  I reread the listing and could find nothing that said it was either version, but looking again at the picture of the end of the box and sure enough it says 2 rail.  I need to look at the pictures more closely.  I contemplated sending it back but then I remembered that I had read in thread here on the forum that the Kadee couplers will mate with with 3 rail couplers just fine.  Sure enough they do!  So I’m keeping the car.


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Morning everyone, I know they may not be cool to a lot of you. But I went to the local train show yesterday and was able to pick up 9 gondolas and 1 New Haven switcher, along with 4 bottles of Grass for my layout. I got it all for $200 is for me it was a good day!IMG_20200119_064420450IMG_20200119_064425754IMG_20200119_064430276IMG_20200119_064435062IMG_20200119_064439767IMG_20200119_064445095IMG_20200119_064456006IMG_20200119_064456006IMG_20200119_064500968IMG_20200119_064512365IMG_20200119_064545189

In due time all will get Kadee couplers and either a BNSF or BN repaint! Yes Bob including the New Haven Switcher!


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RSJB18 posted:

Lot's of great new stuff on everyone's railroads!

I just spotted these on the F/S forum from member @Mike A. Scooped them up in an instant.

So now Paul needs to send me his new D&H ALCO PA to pull them behind....... (I won't run on 027 curves)


Very nice cars, Bob... but your suggestion reminds me of a song from my youth...

One toke over the line
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line... 

Haven't gotten it yet but I bought a Lionel 6-28051 BALTIMORE & OHIO EM-1 2-8-8-4 LOCOMOTIVE & TENDER.

But it puts me to rethink my layout I'm doing. as It requires O-72 curves or better. Do I stop my build until I can get O-80 or larger curves and redo the outside loop ( only one done yet ) which would require to moving and rewiring 12 switches. I would have to move them down about 16" which I think I will just have the room to do so. I need to look and see if I do, it will be close. But then I will be able to it on two loops instead of it being stuck just on one loop.

Those who know me know I usually buy Western Maryland and occasionally B&O.  However I have been looking for one of these for the right price for a long time.  I remember the PRR in Western Pennsylvania, but never saw the PRR or its successors under catenary.  A forum member had this PS2 one NIB at a really great price!!  No I can’t run it on my 042 curves but it checked out great on a straight away after a battery and lube.



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Last edited by Mark Boyce
Mark Boyce posted:

Those who know me know I usually buy Western Maryland and occasionally B&O.  However I have been looking for one of these for the right price for a long time.  I remember the PRR in Western Pennsylvania, but never saw the PRR or its successors under catenary.  A forum member had this PS2 one NIB at a really great price!!  No I can’t run it on my 042 curves but it checked out great on a straight away after a battery and lube.


You can send it to me, and I'll test it out on my O-72 curves for you 

Mark Boyce posted:

Those who know me know I usually buy Western Maryland and occasionally B&O.  However I have been looking for one of these for the right price for a long time.  I remember the PRR in Western Pennsylvania, but never saw the PRR or its successors under catenary.  A forum member had this PS2 one NIB at a really great price!!  No I can’t run it on my 042 curves but it checked out great on a straight away after a battery and lube.


Mark - a beauty for sure!  Very nice purchase!  Enjoy!

You may already know this ... Williams scale GG1's will run on 042 curves.  I have two Williams scale GG1s and they handle 042 just fine.... just in case you ever get the hankering to have one run around your layout.   Of course the Williams doesn't have all the great sound effects as the MTH Proto 2.   

Last edited by trumpettrain
rtraincollector posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Those who know me know I usually buy Western Maryland and occasionally B&O.  However I have been looking for one of these for the right price for a long time.  I remember the PRR in Western Pennsylvania, but never saw the PRR or its successors under catenary.  A forum member had this PS2 one NIB at a really great price!!  No I can’t run it on my 042 curves but it checked out great on a straight away after a battery and lube.


You can send it to me, and I'll test it out on my O-72 curves for you 

trumptrain posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Those who know me know I usually buy Western Maryland and occasionally B&O.  However I have been looking for one of these for the right price for a long time.  I remember the PRR in Western Pennsylvania, but never saw the PRR or its successors under catenary.  A forum member had this PS2 one NIB at a really great price!!  No I can’t run it on my 042 curves but it checked out great on a straight away after a battery and lube.

Mark - a beauty for sure!  Very nice purchase!  Enjoy!

You may already know this ... Williams scale GG1's will run on 042 curves.  I have two Williams scale GG1s and they handle 042 just fine.... just in case you ever get the hankering to have one run around your layout.   Of course the Williams doesn't have all the great sound effects as the MTH Proto 2.   

RSJB18 posted:

That's a beauty Mark. Enjoy!

Will it fit on the ceiling central?


Bill, Thank you!  That's a nice offer. The best form of admiration of a model!  

Pat, Thank you, I did not know about the Williams one.  I think one will be enough; at least for the foreseeable future.

Bob, I think it could, I have broader curves.  The trouble will be the overhang hitting the ceiling anchors and my two jogs in the wall.  For now, I can't even think about getting up on a ladder.  Also, it is quite heavy, I don't want to drop it trying to hoist it up there.  

FedEx brought this to my door today.  From the way it was packaged and the lack of wear on the rollers and wheels I think it had never even been taken out of the box!  I replaced the battery and the speaker and fired her up.  Runs great!!!!

This completes my Freedom Train steam engine roster (T&P 610, T1 and GS-4) and will soon be pulling the train around the club layout.



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Just received my latest shipment of brand new LIONEL parts from North Lima Train Works.  These will allow me to complete the “Ghost Train” of UP 15” aluminum passenger cars from the Anniversary set, 6-31712.  Basically, I purchase the shell, interior and frames from NLTW and the trucks/couplers from LIONEL during the 50% off sale.  It’s a feasible, cost-effective way to have new items that are hard to come by otherwise.  I will post a thread of the 7 car set when I have them assembled.

Here are a couple of examples (the trucks and frames aren’t shown):

The “Clifton” combination car:

NLTW Jan 29 3 

 The “Chatham” coach car:

NLTW Jan 29 8NLTW Jan 29 9

I'm fortunate that the primary components are available from NLTW and LIONEL.  However, not everything is available.  For example with this project, neither has the under frame detail for the Clifton that attaches under the frame and is visible from the side view.  And, as I've learned, even though LIONEL's website may say a part is available from NLTW, that is not always the case.

Seven car photos will come in time.  In the meanwhile, check-out LIONEL's website for that particular piece you wish you had purchased and, just maybe, you can make a "ghost" version.


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rtraincollector posted:

Got it in today, ( My 65th birthday present to myself ( a little early, Saturday is my birthday ). Someone mentioned about the distance between the engine and the tender because of the draw bar length, unless some one shortened this one, I would think if you did the two would hit in corners. 


Nice.  Happy Birthday Bill those are the best presents the ones you buy 

trumptrain posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Those who know me know I usually buy Western Maryland and occasionally B&O.  However I have been looking for one of these for the right price for a long time.  I remember the PRR in Western Pennsylvania, but never saw the PRR or its successors under catenary.  A forum member had this PS2 one NIB at a really great price!!  No I can’t run it on my 042 curves but it checked out great on a straight away after a battery and lube.


Mark - a beauty for sure!  Very nice purchase!  Enjoy!

You may already know this ... Williams scale GG1's will run on 042 curves.  I have two Williams scale GG1s and they handle 042 just fine.... just in case you ever get the hankering to have one run around your layout.   Of course the Williams doesn't have all the great sound effects as the MTH Proto 2.   

Am I correct to assume if you convert a Williams scale GG-1 to either DCS or TMCC that it will still run great on 42 inch curves since only the electronics of the engine would be changed and nothing mechanical?

RLaHaie posted:

FedEx brought this to my door today.  From the way it was packaged and the lack of wear on the rollers and wheels I think it had never even been taken out of the box!  I replaced the battery and the speaker and fired her up.  Runs great!!!!

This completes my Freedom Train steam engine roster (T&P 610, T1 and GS-4) and will soon be pulling the train around the club layout.


I think AFT 610 was the underated loco of the three.  Then again she only ran Austin to Houston to the Metroplex.

ogaugeguy posted:
trumptrain posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Those who know me know I usually buy Western Maryland and occasionally B&O.  However I have been looking for one of these for the right price for a long time.  I remember the PRR in Western Pennsylvania, but never saw the PRR or its successors under catenary.  A forum member had this PS2 one NIB at a really great price!!  No I can’t run it on my 042 curves but it checked out great on a straight away after a battery and lube.


Mark - a beauty for sure!  Very nice purchase!  Enjoy!

You may already know this ... Williams scale GG1's will run on 042 curves.  I have two Williams scale GG1s and they handle 042 just fine.... just in case you ever get the hankering to have one run around your layout.   Of course the Williams doesn't have all the great sound effects as the MTH Proto 2.   

Am I correct to assume if you convert a Williams scale GG-1 to either DCS or TMCC that it will still run great on 42 inch curves since only the electronics of the engine would be changed and nothing mechanical?

I see no reason why not.  But must admit it has been a long time since I have been inside my Williams GG!.


Picked up a MTH Premier Western Pacific GS64 from my usual source. It's from the PS2 5V run made in the early 2000s. Never been run and it's missing all it's electronics. Little rough around the edges but with a bit of effort and this will end up being Southern Pacific GS6 number 4460. Shooting for about a 1950 or so appearance. 



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Lou1985 posted:

Picked up a MTH Premier Western Pacific GS64 from my usual source. It's from the PS2 5V run made in the early 2000s. Never been run and it's missing all it's electronics. Little rough around the edges but with a bit of effort and this will end up being Southern Pacific GS6 number 4460. Shooting for about a 1950 or so appearance. 


Fascinating post, Lou. But what do you mean that it is missing all its electronics?

Vincent Massi posted:
Lou1985 posted:

Picked up a MTH Premier Western Pacific GS64 from my usual source. It's from the PS2 5V run made in the early 2000s. Never been run and it's missing all it's electronics. Little rough around the edges but with a bit of effort and this will end up being Southern Pacific GS6 number 4460. Shooting for about a 1950 or so appearance. 


Fascinating post, Lou. But what do you mean that it is missing all its electronics?

I mean no PS2 5V boards in the boiler, no tether, no tender board, no speaker, no volume knob, no smoke on/off switch, no smoke unit. Gutted of all electronics. The only thing in the locomotive is the Pittman motor and driveline. Tender is completely empty. It'll get a PS3 steam upgrade kit and all LED lighting when it's done. It's been bounced around a bit as it was a parts source, so the tender shell is going to need a wet sand and repaint to get rid of some scuffs (already removed the WP lettering with lacquer thinner). Locomotive itself is mostly fine. Just a couple small nicks to touch up and the white running board trim is going to be removed. 

I've gotten this GS and two of my three Premier Santa Fe Hudsons this way. 3460 Blue Goose, which is fully functional with a PS3 steam kit and all LED lighting installed. 3464 which has a tender shell from a Lionel 3751 Northern (same 20k gallon water tender as a 3460 class Hudson) and the frame and trucks from a MTH Premier Blue Goose tender. Waiting on decals to reletter the tender and then 3464 will get a PS3 steam kit as well. 

I got these from a gentleman who knows the guy who buys all the MTH warranty returns and extra models produced as parts sources. Hence why all the electronics are stripped out of them. I'm not revealing who or where that person is, as I have to protect my source 😁.



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When 4014 came through Alpine, TX late last year, several of us set up at the 5th street crossing facing the depot. This included noted railroad historian Steve Goen, and an artist from Odessa, TX with a retro 4x5 Field Folding View camera. He refers to himself as “Chuck 4x5”.  I purchased the result of his work.  This type of D545E0E3-6DD0-4214-BB90-2CF31158DC46FADBB925-23AD-4F41-9F14-5404C6932E81camera produces an image that can be enlarged to poster size without losing sharpness. 


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Got some neat stuff online recentlyfor my layout expansion. Unfortunately Missed 2 train shows for which I had been putting some cash away due to an illness and another head injury(deja by all over again- same as last year at this time). That said, just means more saved up for Allentown’s spring thaw or a great LHS/flea market- when I’m feeling better and have a ride. Before that- have to comment on some of the great stuff that’s been posted on this page!

@Mark Boyce that is a beautiful GG-1! Looks like it’s in awesome shape, one of these days I gotta get me one! Very nice! 

@paulp575 congrats on completing your #41 UP !! At first, that train didn’t appeal to me much even though I always liked the fact that when I was younger, being a few months older than my friends, I could boast about having been alive for Bush being in office(they were too but well, dumb kids ha). Regardless, have really come to like the Bush Memorial Train. Very elegant, beautiful colors. Truly will forever be “one of a kind “ just like those trains that carried our presidents in the past. What an awesome idea, and tribute, by MTH. Again, congrats on completing that!

@RSJB18 love those cylindrical hoppers! Man do they compliment each other Great with the inverse colors- awesome get!


@Billyted I’d say it looks like you made out quite well on that trade! I love those MTH passenger cars! My LHS has the PRR equivalent which I’ve been thinking of getting ever since I picked up my first proto 2 steamer about 2 months ago which is a PRR. But what a haul overall!(rhyming not intended ha). Great Northern colors are awesome, happy to see that the Valley(where I live) is represented there as well! 

@Lou1985 and @rtraincollector while I like diesels more, ever since I bought my first proto 2 steamer and got a DCS System I’ve regrow my appreciation for them. If I had those guys, since my layout is in the basement, I’d say there’s a monster down there! Not only awesomely big but, as usual, the detail is superb. RT- love the B&O so that makes it even better and I agree about what you said regarding the length of the bar. Lou- while I have few western or southern RR names(focus on the North East) I have an appreciation for those RRs and that Western Pacific is neat, really like the tender! Love that Santa Fe as well!

@bigtruckpete you had me at Amtrak ha. Very neat engine, I’m happy that the some of the manufacturers followed suit in making the heritage units of the Genesis just as Amtrak did. Always like the early phase scheme on the Genesis(an engine for which I’ve gained further appreciation like the steamers)-really cool.

All around, great Saturday pics everyone! Keep’em coming!

And how could I forget My pick-ups over the last month:

Ive had the Amtrak Dummy on the right, but was happy to get this Septa Shell(love commuter rail). Below you’ll see my first MTH engine which I got last December- the MTH AEM-7 with proto 1(how I wish it was the proto 3). Hoping to eventually gather enough to make that Septa into a a nice non-powered unit. Hopefully, get lucky and find another Dummy in the cheap(Can’t bring myself to disassemble either AEM-7 pictured at this time.


Took the above Picture to show my love for Amtrak and Commuter Rail. Lionel TMCC dash-9 next to my favorite- MTH NJT P42DC Genesis. Transitions back to PA with the Septa AeM-7 Shell in the middle and then my ode to the Amtrak electrics I have with the Phase IVb(?) and Phase III AEM-7s.


Picked up this MTH amfleet Passenger car to replace one of mine that had an accident. I wish MTH would make the 16” coaches in NJT livery again which they cancelled 4 years the meantime, I had been alternating between having the NJT Genesis run the Amtrak coaches and this LiRR K-line set that I picked up on the cheap at one of my LHS. Size leaves something to be desired but good price and decent cars5CA7B8DE-7A73-4E03-97A2-506E4D170869

Layout renovation and other pics on the way...


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I’m big on interweaving some type of battle/conflict into my layout so I’ve been picking up appropriately sized soldiers and figures representing different backgrounds/ from all walks of life when I can. First a video of a Postwar car I’ve always wanted and got in mail on Friday- AEC security car. Also new- I purchased the MTH radar tower which was “broken”- easy fix. Will look nice with my next next UN base. 



Above are 2 Corgi “Forward March” 1:50 scale WW dioramas. Diecast, come with 3 soldiers and a vehicle. They made 6 different ones and then 6 sets of soldiers as well. Examples of the soldiers are below, they’re “spin-cast”- just really great looking. Then there’s 2 sets of model power prisoners, over the last 3 months I’ve picked up 10 different MP sets on Amazon for 5.17 each with tax and free shipping. If you want figures and don’t mind Model Power- definitely check it out!1B1BB377-FEFB-4233-8F36-3CE37E23F240

bachmann businessmen also amazon. And a bag of 25 1:50 scale people of Middle-Eastern descent for less than $10 on eBay.29492234-C30C-48B9-8A55-C61BE41DFE13

finally, from eBay, metal track workers or construction workers. I believe they’re comet/authenticast(whoever used to make figures for Flyer) but they’re perfect with my other o scale figures.3ADA96A7-786A-46CC-83BF-F90E2A164793

Cant wait to be able to post shots of when all this comes together!


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@RSJB18 thank you! Those cars had been sitting there for months at my LHS- then a couple months ago I believe you posted the above pictures with some info and it was kind of the “voice of approval” to get the cars- especially as I looked for something commuter rail related between New York, jersey and eastern pPa- so I have to thank you for that one! I wish the Mp-15 and the Dummy woulda been there too. 

Tim Lewis convinced me a few weeks ago that I should stop buying engines for the time being and focus on buying rolling stock instead. I followed his directions and I did end up buying 4 pieces of rolling stock last week. Pictured down below:


The MTH ABB #204 Schnabel Flatcar is from eBay. The 2 Lionel Norfolk Southern Gondolas and Lionel Burlington Northern Caboose are from Mario's Trains. Everything works great and I am so glad that I decided to go with modeling a Schnabel train (sort of). The caboose works great and I have no issues with the wifi camera.

Although the Gondolas are not really ideal for the Schnabel train, since they are a lot taller than I was expecting and look a bit strange as buffer cars. But it gives the look of a Schnabel train pretty well. I plan on buying a few figures to put on the back of the engine, and in the ends of the caboose, to add a bit more immersion and realism. The Lionel Genset will most likely be the primary engine for this train, but I might also use my Lionel SD60E as well.

I do have one more engine coming next week, it was one that I could not stop thinking about when I saw it at The Original Whistle Stop when I was there on January the 18th.


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Last edited by MichaelB
StevefromPA posted:

Got some neat stuff online recently for my layout expansion. Unfortunately Missed 2 train shows for which I had been putting some cash away due to an illness and another head injury(deja by all over again- same as last year at this time). That said, just means more saved up for Allentown’s spring thaw or a great LHS/flea market- when I’m feeling better and have a ride. Before that- have to comment on some of the great stuff that’s been posted on this page!

@Mark Boyce that is a beautiful GG-1! Looks like it’s in awesome shape, one of these days I gotta get me one! Very nice! 



Steve, Thank you very much!!  It is nice and operates great on my straight away on this workbench.  Keep your eyes open, and you will find one!  Someone has one for sale everyday somewhere.

It looks like you have lots going on, and I can see where your interest in the GG1 comes from with the Amtrak electrics you have.  Me?  I just like the GG1. 

I'm sorry you are having health issues.  I have missed shows and layout building 2 winters also.  Last year it was 2 slipped discs in the lower back that damaged the sciatic nerves in the right leg.  That is a long if ever recovery.  This year I had the left knee replaced.  I am not complaining.  I would rather suffer with extremities than having head injuries!

I bought this bad boy 2 weeks ago off eBay. I saw one of these for sale at a hobby shop, a week prior to buying it, and I really wanted to get one for my collection after seeing it in person. So here it is! So far runs great, but I had to spend 1 - 2 hours to replace all the traction tires. Since they were cracked, I knew that getting in and thought it would be a fairly simple maintenance, but found out today that I needed to take the entire engine apart just to do the job. The job is done now at least, hopefully won't have to do that again...


I was 100% fine with having to do the work on the engine, since I also wanted to see the technology that was packed into the shell of this first run. Eventually I will buy matching passenger cars for this engine, but it's currently not a very high priority. I also have planned to upgrade all the lighting to LEDs at some point and even add in bi-color classification lights.


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@Mark Boyce thank you for the well wishes- I appreciate that GREATLY. It’s like deja vu all over again(concussion on 1/7 last year and was out for 3 months). And holY Toledo- that’s awful. Back injuries and back pain, so debilitating. Just like you’re always using your brain, you’re  always using your back. And to hit the sciatic too? That must’ve been one heck of an accident and I hope, and it seems, your doing OK with it- at least in terms of being able to come and talk on the message Board. It’s far too easy to let physical ailments take-over, define who you are, and change you. The knee replacement stinks too, but compared to the constant nature of all that, I’m sure you were almost desensitized to that replacement. I empathize with the “long  if ever recovery” you mention. In terms of head injuries, last years was my 6th and worried me a bit being 28 years old. But I put in a lot of work in OT and Neuro PT to regain my balance, get my eyes working together(lol), etc... In August  I finally felt I was 90% of what I had been prior(doc says that’s the post concussion syndrome). So, yes, “long if ever” but like I said we can’t let that define us. Right now, i hate how slow my thoughts get slow and mundane things are marathons but I got a gift this time: B/c of acquiring so much more knowledgd about trains over the last year, this time I can enjoy my trains. It’s more difficult and takes longer to figure things out(ex.: not best time to expand my layout b/c it gets difficult to process how to temporarily store things,  what’s color grass do I want here, do I want to change my main town, etc...)  So, for long if ever- we just adjust, accept, and find other ways to be even better!

Bought this AS-IS from a dealer. It was tripping my TMCC Direct Lock-on when the shell was on, but worked fine when shell was off, but I think I traced the issue to the smoke unit wiring so working on that now. I have to reglue a bunch of windows that came out and fix the magnet on the front door, but other than that it actually works perfect and sounds really sweet. This isn't the Visionline version, but it does have the die-cast body and the full detailed cab.




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Speaking of things that felt it took longer than it should have. Bought these guys the other night. 11271847-7CC9-49A5-BFC2-0BEE0EB62E8B

AIU and Z1000 are final pieces of the puzzle in terms of my track plan— finally made one I liked before Christmas. Laying the track isn’t hard- it’s all the rest.

Z500 isn’t new. Either Going to a variable input for a trolley/rdc or aux to TIU. My Aux power isn’t bad, but the 500 is more versatile & the breaker works great

I used a 135 watt PH-1(circuit breaker has been working great) on my last mainline and wanted to replace it with a PH-180 watt, then move the 135 watt to a second mainline. I was so shocked my LHS had the z1000 brick so I got it b/c it was there at a good price and I thought it’d have a good breaker...not the casd, however. 

Before I ask my question: 1st- yes I have and read the DCS companion 3rd edition(another reason I got the Z1000), 2nd i use TVS’s on the terminal and lock-one, 3rd- when I used my PW ZW, i always used a fast acting fuse btwn it and Fixed 1 input, 4th- spent a lot of time googling “barrel plug”, “barrel jack” “banana plug” fast acting fuse. All that said,

From what I read, there’s a fast acting fuse that can hook to the banana plug and then plug into the TIU input just like  you can put a fuse in a fuse holder between a Postwar transformer and TIU input. Can someone tell me the maker(s)/provide a link and/or make a recommendation? 

Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!



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BNSF-Matt posted:

Bought this AS-IS from a dealer. It was tripping my TMCC Direct Lock-on when the shell was on, but worked fine when shell was off, but I think I traced the issue to the smoke unit wiring so working on that now. I have to reglue a bunch of windows that came out and fix the magnet on the front door, but other than that it actually works perfect and sounds really sweet. This isn't the Visionline version, but it does have the die-cast body and the full detailed cab.



Matt- awesome pick-up! Like @Mikado 4501 said- the gensets are marvels. I love the design, the body, even without the smoke stacks, is just so much cooler, in my opinion, then your GPS, Dash’s, etc....The smoke output through the center stack is like concentrated bursts or chuffs from the stack of a steam locomotive but on a diesel. Just awesome. Post some videos when you get it running !

StevefromPA posted:

@Mark Boyce thank you for the well wishes- I appreciate that GREATLY. It’s like deja vu all over again(concussion on 1/7 last year and was out for 3 months). And holY Toledo- that’s awful. Back injuries and back pain, so debilitating. Just like you’re always using your brain, you’re  always using your back. And to hit the sciatic too? That must’ve been one heck of an accident and I hope, and it seems, your doing OK with it- at least in terms of being able to come and talk on the message Board. It’s far too easy to let physical ailments take-over, define who you are, and change you. The knee replacement stinks too, but compared to the constant nature of all that, I’m sure you were almost desensitized to that replacement. I empathize with the “long  if ever recovery” you mention. In terms of head injuries, last years was my 6th and worried me a bit being 28 years old. But I put in a lot of work in OT and Neuro PT to regain my balance, get my eyes working together(lol), etc... In August  I finally felt I was 90% of what I had been prior(doc says that’s the post concussion syndrome). So, yes, “long if ever” but like I said we can’t let that define us. Right now, i hate how slow my thoughts get slow and mundane things are marathons but I got a gift this time: B/c of acquiring so much more knowledge about trains over the last year, this time I can enjoy my trains. It’s more difficult and takes longer to figure things out(ex.: not best time to expand my layout b/c it gets difficult to process how to temporarily store things,  what’s color grass do I want here, do I want to change my main town, etc...)  So, for long if ever- we just adjust, accept, and find other ways to be even better!

* I know this doesn't fall under the buy lately topic, but I put it here to reply to Steve's comments.  Please excuse, as I'm not trying to start a diversion.

Steve, At 28 I feel so sorry for you and am praying for you!  For me it wasn't an accident, it was more wear and tear on a 63-year old body.  The disks slipped on their own from use, and that started the whole thing rolling!  The neurological problems were from two sources.  One was the damaged sciatic.  I had PT for 3 months on that.  The second that I had to see the neurologists for, ended up being a reaction to a medication, or so it is believed.  It went away. That is good.

As to the modeling, I'm waiting for my healthy sons-in-law to move some material for me so I can get started on the layout again.  The second wall will be an easy project even the way I am now.  That entails moving the plywood, Homasote, and Masonite on the right wall in the photograph over to the unseen left wall.  Then I can build the right wall like the center wall you see above the dormitory refrigerator.

2020-01-24 09.39.58


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Last edited by Mark Boyce
rtraincollector posted:

Got it in today, ( My 65th birthday present to myself ( a little early, Saturday is my birthday ). Someone mentioned about the distance between the engine and the tender because of the draw bar length, unless some one shortened this one, I would think if you did the two would hit in corners. 


Bill I was going to reply to your post discussing re-thinking your layout to make sure you have space for that overhang .  Now that you've got the engine you can see for yourself.

The 'stuff" isn't cool, but buying it using Amazon Prime's Next Day delivery, with no shipping charge, is definitely "cool" for individual, low cost items I needed for layout work.  Today's item was this assortment of Scotch lock connectors for my feeders:

Amazon Prime Next Day

Last week it was solder for those feeders and J-B weld to repair (successfully) my rolling stool:

Amazon Prime Orders


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  • Amazon Prime Next Day
  • Amazon Prime Orders
  • Amazon Prime Next Day
Last edited by Pingman

Back in 2015 I purchased this car thinking it was cool with all the different Lionel logos. Little did I know it was part of a set.


Well, after an inheritance receipt, I found all the remaining pieces.


Unfortunately most of them need their couplers repaired (don't open). Thankfully I have a local repair person who does an awesome job of repairing anything I bring to him.


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  • 6-7507
  • 6-7500
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  • 6-7502
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  • 6-7504
  • 6-7505
  • 6-7506
  • 6-7508
Last edited by paulp575
paulp575 posted:

Back in 2015 I purchased this car thinking it was cool with all the different Lionel logos. Little did I know it was part of a set.


Well, after an inheritance receipt, I found all the remaining pieces.


Unfortunately most of them need their couplers repaired (don't open). Thankfully I have a local repair person who does an awesome job of repairing anything I bring to him.

Paul, this is one of the most fascinating, beautiful train sets I have ever seen.

Costco Union Pacific 4-4-2 Steam Locomotive Freight Set - from 1991.

New old stock arriving next week.  Have not found any photos of contents, but based on description I have a good idea, starter set with 027 locomotive and cars, tubular track with transformer.  

Photos next week.  Although I did pre-order the F3 Santa Fe LionChief+ 2.0 set from latest Lionel catalog, I am wary of buying  expensive trains due to my experience with zinc pest.  This set was $190 plus shipping - we’ll see how cool it is.

#18622 Union Pacific 4-4-2 Locomotive and Square Back Tender, #16226 Union Pacific Short Boxcar, 16528 U.P SP Caboose, #16336 UP Gondola with Canisters, #16408 UP Short Hopper, #12730 Girder Bridge, #12706 Barrel Loader Building Kit, #12714 Automatic Crossing gates, Steam Shovel Kit, 5 Telephone Poles, 14 Road Signs, 12 Sections of 5013 Curved Track 8 Sections of 5018 Straight Track, 90 Degree Crossover for figure 8 layout, Transformer.3967710A-DCAA-4001-9A8F-2C6C85F9C420


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Last edited by Kelunaboy

I have been accumulating some Chicago & Northwestern freight cars but did not have a CNW engine to pull them with. I just added this little K-line switcher to my layout. Most of the freight cars are Menards with a green Williams Boxcar and a K-line hopper and K-line caboose. I also have a nice Menards CNW caboose but this run has the red K-Line caboose I got with the switcher. 


Here is a little video of it moving some freight. The freight Santa FE on track 2 is a Williams with many Menards and some AMT/KMT freight plus a AMT/KMT caboose.



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Since my layout is in renovation mode and I’m in a waiting period, I made a small floor layout tonight to see how American Flyer S Gauge  would like by O gauge(in terms of trains). I included items I picked up the last 2 or 3 days:

AUthenticast News Stand. Authenticast/Comet Metal Products, of which I know many of you are familiar, made some beautiful Masonite structures in the 1950s. Although accounts differ, Authenticast is The name used by Comet Metal Products prior to AC GIlbert’s involvement. I thought this was some cheap knock off till I did more research. The Hire’s rootbeer sign on the side replaces Phillip Morris.6F6E8A23-28AB-43C7-84F3-F3AF4186C330

my first Menards building! The Army field hospital came in the mail yesterday. Almost cancelled my order but I’m happy I got it.E1E2404E-55F7-4C9A-902A-41332B3177C7

While it’s Tin- it’s also Postwar, wind-up, western German. Maker unknown although a fellow forum member said it’s either Distler or HWN. This set was called a “3 in 1”- the passenger car comes off the frame to reveal logs underneath and then a Santa Fe box car can go over that. The BuiltRite cardboard house and Union station also came with this purchase. Grade crossing is something I bought last year.


Notice the soldier’s blue helmets? Fitting with a UN Jeep. I’ve taken to painting unpainted figures and altering others. Also, the phone booth on the platform and the red (Soda machine? refrigerator?) Next to the station are from the usually overpriced Lionel Pewter City Accessory sry. Finally, many people of Middle Eastern origins are waiting for the train. As I like to add a lot of different culture to my layout, I bought a bag of 25 of them for $8. Size is pretty good and the white garments allow for customizing.


And my second Menards building which came today- the strip mall! Thing is BRIGHT. Kind of wish I would’ve went for height instead of length but I’m not disappointed. Also, the Security car was a purchase from last week(don’t recall if I posted that)


Dollar store all lit up


Bought about 8-10 of these Authenticast/Comet track workers. Doing work on the other side of this temporary layoutimage

finally, a video for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!


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Last edited by StevefromPA

Steve, those are a lot of great purchases!  I like the field hospital.  Yes the strip mall is bright, especially in the video with the contrast with normal light.  It is a nice product for someone wanting a modern building.  There sure are a lot of strip malls everywhere, even in rural areas around here where I am surprised anyone would build.  That said, it could be plopped down on a layout most anywhere, not just in a town.

PW53inVa posted:

I have been accumulating some Chicago & Northwestern freight cars but did not have a CNW engine to pull them with. I just added this little K-line switcher to my layout. Most of the freight cars are Menards with a green Williams Boxcar and a K-line hopper and K-line caboose. I also have a nice Menards CNW caboose but this run has the red K-Line caboose I got with the switcher. 


Here is a little video of it moving some freight. The freight Santa FE on track 2 is a Williams with many Menards and some AMT/KMT freight plus a AMT/KMT caboose.


Dean- I love those K-line S-2's. Have you thought about wiring the motors in series? Judging by the handles on your KW(same as mine), your at 6 volts and that little bugger is zipping around the layout. I've re-wired all of my K-line locos and it makes a huge difference.


Finally found the KLine OScale Aluminum 21” Hiawatha Passenger Cars to go with my Lionel 261, 267 and my fantasy paint scheme engine.  They look really nice next to my Lionel cars which I just upgraded to LED’s from Gunrunner John. 

Was able to get NIB, the Baggage Car #1334, Maple Valley Parlor Car, #190, Coach #540, Superdome#55, Diner #121, and Observation Car # 188, the Dell Rapids. Took a long time to get these. 

Now maybe one more coach or super dome and it’s complete.

Love the fact that KLine populated the cars. The previous owner added a few figures to the Superdome, gotta make a few changes, but they look fantastic.




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At the Greenberg Show in Edison, NJ, on November 30th, I bought two more streamlined steam engines:

•  A Chesapeake & Ohio 4-6-4 Streamlined Hudson, MTH RailKing #30-1412-1.
•  A Chicago and Northwestern 4-6-4 E-4 Hudson, MTH RailKing #20-3034-1.
I asked both sellers to ship the engines to me, and paid extra for shipping. One seller did so promptly, and I received it the following week. The other did not ship it out immediately, despite numerous calls and e-mails. Finally, nearly three weeks after the show, I contacted Greenberg Show management, and had them intercede for me.
Basically, Greenberg told the dealer that unless the locomotive shipped out immediately, they would not be allowed to continue to sell at any of their train shows.
The loco showed up a few days later.
I Googled the dealer in question, and there are numerous unhappy comments about them on Yelp. I'll never deal with them again.
Here are my photos of the engines. As some may know, I don't have a layout, just display these.


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Arrived early so here are photos of the Costco Union Pacific 4-4-2 starter set from 1991, which I posted about yesterday.

The tender has a sound making device that is new to me, a large wheel with a rubber "traction tire" driving a mechanical device inside the tender.  Have not run it yet, when spun by hand it sounds like marbles to me.  Overall the set is what I expected and the included accessories will help fill in the Lionel Display Layout type layout I'm building now.


UP Tender

Tender Sound Device

Box Open

Lionel GGirder Bridge



Images (5)
  • Locomotive
  • Box Open
  • Lionel GGirder Bridge
  • Tender Sound Device
  • UP Tender
Kelunaboy posted:


The tender has a sound making device that is new to me, a large wheel with a rubber "traction tire" driving a mechanical device inside the tender.  Have not run it yet, when spun by hand it sounds like marbles to me.  Overall the set is what I expected and the included accessories will help fill in the Lionel Display Layout type layout I'm building now.


The first Lionel train set we purchased for our son back in the 1970's had this mechanical sound in the tender.  We thought it was dried beans rattling around in the big wheel.

Last edited by GregM

RSJB18 (Bob)

This is my first K-line switcher and I really like it. I think it is missing a little horn on the cab and maybe a bell. I might have to look for those, but no big deal to me. The 2 motors and 4 traction tires give it some pulling power. The KW you see is at present time not being used. The plan is to use it to power some of the Lionel accessories I have on the layout that still need to be wired up. I am running the main 2 loops with one ZW and the trolley line, which is storing freight cars in the picture, and a figure 8 with another ZW.

Thanks for the tip that K-lines can have the motors wired in series. I think the Williams engines can also be wired in series but I did not know that about the K-lines. I need to try that. Ready Made Toys has made a Switcher which I think is based on the K-Line but has a few more Led lights. K-Line made some great stuff for the conventional operators and I was sorry to see them go. Always enjoy seeing what you have done with your layout too. 

Thanks for looking and keep training.


It took a while and lots of research but I finally made the decision to purchase an APS-C mirrorless interchangeable lens camera.  I have been using various bridge cameras for several years with adequate results but felt it was time to give an interchangeable lens camera another try.  The last interchangeable lens camera I used was a Minolta MAXXUM HTsi Plus, that I still have.

Here is what I purchased.

Nikon Z_50

I do not own any Nikon "F" mount lenses to use with the FTZ adapter on the camera at this time, but the FTZ adapter, when purchased as part of this camera kit, was less than a scale boxcar.  I may never need it, but I have it, if someday I purchase an "F" mount lens.

Below is one of the first pictures I took with the Z50.  Engine #5239 is a Norfolk Southern high hood GP38-2, an engine that I do not believe I had ever seen before, although I have taken pictures of many, many Norfolk Southern engines over the years.

NS High Hood GP38-2 #5239 Edited



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  • Nikon Z_50
  • NS High Hood GP38-2 #5239 Edited

Received my brand new Pennsy EP-5 today.  I think Williams did a nice job.  There is one small complaint, however.  The pickup rollers hit the brass contact on my OTC contractors, causing a short if I stop the loco on one of them.  The rollers are wide without a taper.  I wonder if I can replace the rollers with tapered ones ?



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Not bought but still cool. So a local guy to me gave up on DCS and is staying with Legacy/TMCC, because he likes whistle steam on his steam locomotives. He had a couple PS1 Premier steam locomotives he was going to have converted to PS3 and bought the kits for them. Guy ended up selling them before the conversion. So I ended up trading some labor for these two PS3 steam kits. He needed two ABA sets of PS1 E8s converted to ERR cruise commander and Railsounds (four powered A units). Took me about 6 hours today but I got all four done for him and got two PS3 steam kits for my labor. I have a Premier Santa Fe 3460 class Hudson and Southern Pacific GS6 that need these kits. So the trade in labor for these kits was worth it. 

PS: Don't ask me to do upgrades for you. There are plenty of people on the forum who will do that for you. I'm not a certified tech for anything, I just enjoy doing these things for myself. If you are local in the Chicago area and need some help with a ERR or PS3 upgrade (i.e. you're stuck/can't figure something out when doing it) drop me a line. I'm more than happy to help you figure it out.



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Mark Boyce posted:

Neat Lou!!  I've done one upgrade.  It isn't hard, and the directions they send are great!

I've done 12 ERR diesel upgrades with Railsounds and 2 PS3 steam upgrades. Neither were very hard if you follow the directions and plan along. Just need some heat sink compound, a soldering iron, and an anti static mat. It's mostly making sure you don't pinch wires and screw something up. If you're handy you can buy old conventional stuff and upgrade for less than half the cost of a new factory Legacy or PS3 locomotive. 

Lou1985 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Neat Lou!!  I've done one upgrade.  It isn't hard, and the directions they send are great!

I've done 12 ERR diesel upgrades with Railsounds and 2 PS3 steam upgrades. Neither were very hard if you follow the directions and plan along. Just need some heat sink compound, a soldering iron, and an anti static mat. It's mostly making sure you don't pinch wires and screw something up. If you're handy you can buy old conventional stuff and upgrade for less than half the cost of a new factory Legacy or PS3 locomotive. 

Absolutely on all counts!

FlyPlanes-PlayTrains posted:

Love the CTA set... And my kids & I are still loving the Amtrak set I picked up at ORD from your wife!




Hi Tom, So glad to hear you all continue to enjoy the Amtrak set!! We still talk about the ORD curbside exchange as the coolest train deal of all time!! I can only imagine what the TSA guy was thinking as he saw the trains on the screen!

A.J. posted:

Apples55 where did you get those building flats from?  They look great!


Thanks... Technically, those are shadow boxes (app. 1” deep). They all came from Forum Sponsor Todd Architectural Models. The one with the NYC sign on top was a one-off special run Doug did a couple of years ago, but I believe a shorter version is still available (and you can get signs that say whatever you want). I have to get around to adding some lighting to several of the boxes as well as installing a few others I have still in boxes!!!

Decided to take a chance in an auction recently.  (No, not *that* auction place, another online auction place).  It looked like a MTH repair shop / distributor recently went out of business, and I'm wondering if someone on this board knows anything about it. 

Tthere were several locos that were shown in a disassembled state, almost all PS1 with a couple PS2.  They had little note cards that the repair tech left with them, so there were at least some clues on where to start looking if anything was wrong.  Most of the cards read something like "Customer says engine doesn't work after storing for 10 years" and things like that.  After reading this forum for the past couple weeks, I've seen the PS1 issues and it seems that many of the "doesn't operate" issues can be fixed with reset, new BCR or fairly minor procedures.  

Also Included in the auction were a TON of PS1 boards, with little indication if they worked or not.  I'm guessing that if they were actually fried and beyond a simple repair, the shop would have tossed them.  No reason to save them, right?  So I put a bet on the boards being good PS1 Boards that were removed when the tech upgraded various engines to PS2 or PS3 and then kept the boards "just in case".  At the very least, maybe components could be combined to make a few decent PS1 Boards.

So...knowing a *little* bit about electronics, and not being afraid of doing some minor to medium surgery, I took a swing on several of the locos and then, figuring if the PS1 boards were bad on the engines themselves, I'd buy a bunch of the available PS1 spare boards and maybe I'd get lucky and find a couple in the mix that work.  I don't run DCS or TMCC (I actually don't run *ANYTHING* right now, but dad's got the bug and has me all excited about getting back into the trains after a few decades), so I don't care if it's all PS1.  I do have a couple MTH PS1 locos already so what the ****, right?

Here's my haul (photos attached):

  • MTH #3166 Santa Fe Dash-8 , mechanic's note says "Replaced the original PS1 upgraded to a GP30 PS2 board."  It appears complete. $40.00
  • MTH 20-2078-1 #1686 Northwestern FM H10-44.  attached mechanic's note says only "Intermittent Sound". $5.00
  • MTH #1641 cab 4449 Southern Pacific GS-4 With Tender and PS2.  Mechanic's note says "Stored for 10 years, will not run. No output voltage from bottom board. Burnt up 2nd board, diodes shorting out.  Center rail pickpus short to chassis" $15.00
  • MTH #1394 cab 4449.  Mechanics note says "Tender is mismatched Williams chassis to MTH shell. Engine renumbered to 1687. LocoSound runs without tender. Works well with loco tender.  Needs major tuneup. Rough Shape." $5.00

So that's $65.00 for 4 locos of questionable shape.  I don't even care if I can't get two of them to run.  And maybe I can cobble together one working Daylight GS-4 out of the two lots.  Or maybe I can make them all work and I got a steal!

Then, for the boards (have no idea if they work, but photos don't show any obvious damage). $15.00 for the entire lot of 13 boards:

  • (1) QSI ACRU-LP Reverse Unit.
  • (1) QSI PS1 Board for SD70MAC
  • (1) QSI PS1 Board for Genesis
  • (1) QSI PS1 Board for F3 
  • (1) QSI PS1 Board for Doodlebug (lol, I will never own a doodlebug)
  • (1) QSI PS1 Board for Scale Centipede
  • (1) QSI PS1 Board for SW-9 (I can use this in an old K-Line SW unit I have from the 80's if it works!)
  • (2) QSI PS1 Boards for EP5-GN (Yes! I have a Lionel Pennsy EP5 that could use these)
  • (4) QSI PS1 Boards for Dash-8's (could one of these be a good Dash-8 board that was removed from the Santa Fe Dash-8 I bought? Hmmm...)


If these actually work, and I get out of them what I need, if I'm left with stuff afterwards I'll probably donate to folks on the forum.  But that'll be a couple years from now, and maybe it's all garbage anyway! But for $80.00 for everything (just over $145 shipped with auctioneer fees) I really don't mind if it IS all garbage!



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  • QSI PS1 Boards - A: All Dash-8
  • QSI PS1 Boards - B: EP5
  • QSI PS1 Boards - C: F3, SD70MAC, Genesis, Doodlebug, Scale Centipede, SW-9
  • QSI ACRU-LP Reversing Board
  • Daylight #1
  • Daylight #2
  • Santa Fe Dash-8
  • FM-H10
Last edited by Jeff_the_Coaster_Guy

1949 Ford F1 pick-up truck! Walmart! $1! How could I say "No"?

The "F" series was Ford's first line of pick-up trucks that did not use a car chassis. Although the F1 was the lightest of the series, it was still a successful vehicle, and many of them have been preserved. And it was somewhat of a "hot rod," often purchased new with pinstripes.

Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER

Been trying to stay off the auction sites lately. 2019 was a productive year for adding to the fleet but now it's time to slow down a bit.
Not that I've completely stopped buying, just a little more selective now.
To that end I found a nice MTH SW-8 in Penn Central livery yesterday. Now many would say what's so special about a PC diesel? Well this one is labeled for the Despatch Shops Inc., and has a nicer paint job then most of the PC fleet did back in the day. MTH released this in the 2001 catalog.

Merchants Despatch has an interesting history intertwined with the early days of the NYC.

Prototype here

(seller's photos)



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Last edited by RSJB18
Mark Boyce posted:

Bob, that is a very unique and great looking switcher.  I certainly never saw anything like it in this end of PC country.

Carl, I wonder myself how they do some of these great deals!!

Those types of things come from China.  To make most of the animated cars and so forth for my large scale trains, I have purchased all sorts of electronic devices on Ebay.  99% came from China.  Since the packages are small, shipping is usually free on minimal.  

Don't forget, we don't really know where in China they're being made, if at all.  Even China outsources manufacturing.  The original makers of this items could be earning a dollar a week for all we know.  

That's how they do it.

Picked this up at local toy train shop on Valentine's Day.  A 96 page soft-cover booklet.  The title "Milk Trains and Traffic" by Jeff Wilson.  If you are interested in milk trains and the industry it is a must have.

Edit Sat 2/22:

Cow terminology, Anyone know what a milch, or a heifer, or a cow, or a steer and/or a bull is?  On page 7 there is an information/fact block defining these terminologies.


Last edited by PRRronbh

Got in my caboose roofs (they ARE still made!... thanks to forum members' info) and my car siding, so l can get to work on two each of Great Western and Colorado Midland have 8 CM freight cars, which need a 'boose.  Also got in a second 1/43 Model A Ford tudor model car for my streets..these were common through WWII, so were often seen in 1940.  Rare prototype Victoria body model car is common, but not the model of the much more common tudor.

Anyone know in what country a coal fired steam-turbine locomotive was developed in the early 1920's?

Picked up a just released 128-page soft-cover booklet  titled "TURBINE POWER" by Walter Simpson.

This pub covers steam-turbine locos, gas-turbine locos, coal-turbine loco, etc. etc.


edit @0852 hours:

There also is a short chapter on a proposed "atomic steam turbine locomotive."

Last edited by PRRronbh

Haven't gotten a chance to post these yet: While my Spring Thaw pics are coming through I'll post my pre-Spring That pieces. Sorry for having to split the post and the current state of my layout(or what's left of it as I start a new). Anyway, as for the ppictures:

American Model Toys(later Kusan and KMT) Santa Fe Vista Domecar. Now I only need the Indian Scut Dinette to cmplete the 5 car version of the set.

AMT Santa Fe vista dome

1 More to go!

AMT Santa Fe consist 4 down

Always wanted a K-Line Heavyweight so when one popped up at an extremely decent price I pounced.  Love the construction of these cars!

Kline SP Baggage Heavyweight

MTH Premier 18" Aluminum Sleeper car. While it's 23 years old and I'm not a fan of the window inserts, it reminds me of the train cars that I used to take as kid to Florida from PA and back again. Also, doesn't look bad with my 16" Amtrak Amfleet coaches, and then a reefer and/or express baggage box car. Varies up the consist so it's not so cookie cutter in size and car type as is true of actual Amtrak consists. Plus it's not too much bigger or smaller than the Amfleet cars that it looks oversized. (

MTH Amtrak 18' AluminumSleeper


Box of K-line Shadow rail at the shop outside a model railroad RR exhibit at an antique mall. $2 a piece but I got it for less. Just wanted to try it out and see what the deal was and I like it. I think i'll probably buy another box. For the price it is selling at and the brand new condition it's in, Could definitely see this as a trolley line, an industrial siding or an abandoned spur on my new layout.K-line shadow rail


Images (6)
  • AMT Santa Fe vista dome
  • Kline SP Baggage Heavyweight 2
  • MTH Amtrak 18' AluminumSleeper
  • AMT Santa Fe consist 4 down
  • K-line shadow rail
  • Kline SP Baggage Heavyweight

Now for my Spring Thaw pictures which finally mailed to my email from my phone. In my opinion,  best bang for my buck show I've been at in awhile(in general, not just in terms of Allentown):

First- general pictures- everything between the 2 k-line figure boxes was frm the show

ATMA Spring 2020 2


Prewar American Flyer Steeple Cab(still runs( and a Kuhl-Wagen(still trying to determine the maker).

Flyer2018 closer shot

The right side of the above shot, the car to the right is made by JeP(based out of France). My first JeP tinplate train so I was happy about that

ATMA Spring Thaw JEP Car

MTH "The Model Train(although I feel like it's kind of been switched out with a country store base) but it's still cool. Some K-line standing and sitting soldiers, Artitista figures, and a green S scale GAEX box car to the left

MTH Train Shop AF GAEX and figs

My buy with the most potential, however, is this Rivarossi/Atlas 2 rail O Scale DB V216. It's in great shape. As you can see in the video below- it runs(via power pack on DC power). The nice thing is that the motor is located in a compartment underneath the frame in the middle of one set of trucks. There is NOTHING inside when you remove the body, nothing in that gray detailed part of the under carriage between the trucks, and nothing between the other set of the non-powered truck. Basically, a lot of room to play around in there. I would definitely like to convert this to AC and possibly install TMCC. 

Rivarossi DB V216 2 rail Atlas ? DC poweredRivarossi DB V216 w box DC Powered


Images (6)
  • ATMA Spring 2020 2
  • Flyer2018 closer shot
  • MTH Train Shop AF GAEX and figs
  • Rivarossi DB V216 2 rail Atlas ? DC powered
  • Rivarossi DB V216 w box DC Powered
  • ATMA Spring Thaw JEP Car
Videos (1)
Rivarossi DB V216 2 rail O scale

Two new items:  The Amtrak F59PHI is replacing the Amtrak Acela on the overhead layout.  The Acela wasn't pulling as before, when running more than a half hour at one time.  I checked everything, lubed everything, cleaned everything.  The inside doesn't even have a spec of dust after 5 years.  The motor was trying to pull, tires weren't spinning, and a little push would get it going again, but, not for long.   Please let me know if you have any ideas.

The F59 looks and runs great, and I love those silver trucks.  You can just see the Acela, parked on my long spur.

I replaced the old, original 1950's station with this new, plug and play.  The New Haven colors and sign convinced me.  The action is cool.  I chopped the Lionel power three-prong plug, first time I've done that, because I needed to combine the wires leading to the kiosk.

If you noticed the missing pantograph, fear not, all is well.  It popped off when I was cleaning the engine.  Back now.




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