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Awesome buys as usual everyone! For some reason this thread seems to help with justifying my continuous purchases hahaha.

I posted last week saying I was going to calm down on the train purchase’s. Well a flea market and another trip to Grzyboski’s sure didn’t help with that.

First up are the couple of items I grabbed at Grzyboski’s. Here is a reefer car I felt I needed to add to my collection. It’s another Hamm’s Beer car. This was my late brother’s beer of choice so I now have the 2 of 3 cars that I’m aware of.

Here’s the other few items I picked up at the train shop. One is a plasticville house under construction and the other is a Lionel lumber shed. Picked up the remainder of short tubular track sections they had too.

Up next are my two flea market finds. Three packs of Life Like trees I picked up along with a Hershey Tractor Trailer to add to the large assortment of Hershey items I’ve been gathering. It’s not to scale which works with my layout since I use matchbox vehicles due to the limited space.


Until next time, Happy Railroading everyone!


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Picked up the 11705 Chessie Unit Train today, the dual-pullmor SD40 is a nice runner and the Centerflow hoppers look great.  I have a bad feeling this isn’t the last of these SD40 sets for me, I’ve liked the BN Limited since I was a kid and I’m a Conrail fan so the Conrail Limited will be on the list too.

Yes, I’m a floor runner for now.  Gotta fix that soon.CE74CDD4-F68C-41EF-9BD4-8D4AFDC434EC88305434-948F-4222-B030-503FB7416F7C


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At my 3rd visit in 3 weeks to Caboose Stop Hobbies, I found this brass WM RS3.  It just "had" to come home with me.  I don't even run 2-rail but I have an affection for Alco's.  I put some pics of Caboose Stop Hobbies on my "Eastern Iowa LHS recommendations" post ,  truly a dangerous place for your train budget !   Rich in SDIMG_3006IMG_3005


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Bought this Brass Weaver Pennsylvania GG1 from a sponsor TRAINZ. Here is a short video of it running at the back of my layout. Not too bad a puller considering there are no traction tires present. I'll have to figure out what size it needs. I did not realize how few of these were made. #167 of 243 made.

Thanks to @gunrunnerjohn @MELGAR and @GG1 4877 for their help and assistance on answering my questions regarding these engines. These guys are what makes this forum so much fun to be a part of. Thanks again guys. 


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Weaver GG1
@ScoutingDad posted:

Bought this Brass Weaver Pennsylvania GG1 from a sponsor TRAINZ. Here is a short video of it running at the back of my layout. Not too bad a puller considering there are no traction tires present. I'll have to figure out what size it needs. I did not realize how few of these were made. #167 of 243 made.

Thanks to @gunrunnerjohn @MELGAR and @GG1 4877 for their help and assistance on answering my questions regarding these engines. These guys are what makes this forum so much fun to be a part of. Thanks again guys.

ALWAYS glad to provide a little help whenever I can.  That looks great running on your layout!  I'm a bit jealous as I don't have a layout to run mine on these days. 

The traction tires from MTH and Williams will fit on the Weaver GG1 as they use the same tooling.

@ScoutingDad posted:

Bought this Brass Weaver Pennsylvania GG1 from a sponsor TRAINZ. Here is a short video of it running at the back of my layout. Not too bad a puller considering there are no traction tires present. I'll have to figure out what size it needs. I did not realize how few of these were made. #167 of 243 made.

Looks great Jeff.

I guess overhead cants will need to be included in your next layout. 😂😂

Bob - you are killing me with the prospect of more work.  I have been accumulating HO scale overhead catenary pieces to try a live overhead.  (yeah no one will notice except me.)  I am going to need a lot more.  Probably will use scalerail's methods for the Milwaukee Road - old post and OGR article.  I've almost lost count - but I have this GG, the early P5a version, 2 box cabs Milwaukee Road and Great Northern, 1 Milwaukee Road bi-polar, 1 trolley and 1 interurban. Hard to believe I had none of this 3 years ago.

These cars are replacements for my original MTH Conrail Work Train RTR Set, 30-4019-1, from 1998. Originally offered with RK Conrail Dash 8, I replaced it with the Conrail RK SW1500 PS2, which introduced me to the pain of owning PS2 5v engines. The cars included with the set were the gondola, work caboose, engineering car, and crane tender. The crane car and bunk car were the only add ons for this set, AFAIK. I haven’t found a tool or kitchen car offered by MTH. My original set went swimming with Sandy. I got this for a very good price off wEpay. I now pull it with the PS3 RK Conrail RS3.E2EAFDB0-432F-450B-B730-60D6983181BEF9F7D784-4646-4BE5-9EEB-06630A8599EEBE87E515-69A6-42BF-95C4-EF0E46FC3B2E59CD7CCA-7708-4EBA-9031-80B2B2BAAD1C2E9F781D-BCAD-477E-81E4-12F0E9F186737BDEF8AA-84B9-46C2-831B-470F83123B8C53AFE1F6-04D7-4977-AC96-0DC26C704C181261766C-C60D-463B-BC11-35E663E5691E


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@ScoutingDad posted:

Bob - you are killing me with the prospect of more work.  I have been accumulating HO scale overhead catenary pieces to try a live overhead.  (yeah no one will notice except me.)  I am going to need a lot more.  Probably will use scalerail's methods for the Milwaukee Road - old post and OGR article.  I've almost lost count - but I have this GG, the early P5a version, 2 box cabs Milwaukee Road and Great Northern, 1 Milwaukee Road bi-polar, 1 trolley and 1 interurban. Hard to believe I had none of this 3 years ago.

I know how that is Jeff. I went from 0 to around 30 locos in about 2 years......


Got some great stuff at a train show, and in The mail via the auction site and some forum sponsors!

Starting off with the most recent, in the mail today from Nicholas Smith:

My first powered Atlas loco- Atlas Trainman Union Pacific Dash 8-40CW. With  TMCC, RS and ERR.

also my first loco with ERR’s 3rd rail- which was half the reason I bought it. Looks greatBBD71C5D-187C-4FC5-B76B-330E2773D1C8

Two Atlas Trainman 50’ boxcars: Railbox with “Small Logo”(aka modern) was looking for one of those FOREVER!! so happy to finally have one! Also, a nice KCS boxcar from Caboosestophobbies!F50E9E7C-2023-4668-9472-D1A1A12F35CEThis arrived this morning- Non-powered Amtrak GP38 in Phase V by Williams from Trainz. At $60 not too bad! And it is o scale

couldn’t believe it when I saw it listed because Amtrak’s GP38s are all rebuilt, work the yards and occasionally help on passenger trains. here’s how it looks with a phase IV dash 8. not the most detailed, but it’s fine with me since besides a custom job I’ll never see an Amtrak GP38 in O4D2F258E-9A4F-4333-8EC6-BA57E2FE71C7Got this preorder from Henning’s last week! PB&NE Legacy sw1200.  Conrail Hopper is new, too, from Trainz!




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Continuing from my last post and all of my “still need to show York Stuff posts”...

but 1st, an eBay seller made me a great offer for something I was seking- this sweet Atlas Tman Terminal Railway Alabama State Docks  Boxcar


love adding one or two shortline rolling stock to a consist. Hints at location, destination, type of freight, etc...

Now two trains from York: A Lionel Dummy Conrail U30C and my absolute favorite purchase at York- Lionel Legacy Conrail SD40 #6308


don’t usually talk about prices, but I feel I got a great deal on the sd40. Seller mentioned 3 issues: partially detached break line on one truck, rear couplers didn’t fire, and rear sand hatch(?) was missing. Got it for $280 and Easily fixed the former two when I got home.


Now- Some preorders and new releases I added over the last 2 weeks:

Really love these 40’ Airslides. Since my picking up the prototypical CSX version at York, I’ve added a few more.FFFAB53B-B011-452A-B78A-D7FCBDE478AA

ThaT said, the newer Conrail(ex-PC) Are my favorite. Preordered from Public Delivery Track, thanks @Beth Marshall-The Public Delivery Track !!


Continuing my PC binge: Another first one I’ve owned- Penn Central PS-2 3 bay covhopper.  while I dont care much for the 33k gallon tankers,  made an exception for this stellar PC “rail whale”52157723-C8B5-4B83-A4A8-EC82617D6E14
My final “newly released” acquisition- Atlas Trainman 20” Penn Central Pullman Bradley. I wish I had more in this livery!


Moving off the internet. A few weeks ago went to a show in Hamburg, PA. among the things I picked up...


New Haven Pullman Bradley by Weaver. Thinking of creating an Amtrak “rainbow era” consist- even though Amtrak apparently didn’t pick up any Pullman Bradleys

From the same show. Paid  $5 for my 2nd Weaver Conrail Brown/yellow door boxcar- the one on the right. I like that they’re not totally the same, most recent one has lighter shade, text is thinner, and doors are different(early v late Weaver doors?)

Finally, was very surprised to find this Weaver St. Mary’s RR boxcar


Besides Atlas making a St. Mary’s boxcar, I didn’t think anyone else made anything related to that RR. Just a neat piece

After 3 attempts at de-uploading from my phone- finally...




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I remember taking the train from Providence to NYC during the mid-1970’s.  True, Amtrak never owned any of the older Pullman Bradleys, but Amtrak was able to play mix and match not only using their own equipment, but also Penn Central rolling stock. Many of those were ribbed-side ex NYC sleepers converted to coaches.

that ended when the Heritage equipment was sidelined and replaced by Amfleet cars.

Finally fixed my above post! Sorry for the wait- 2 mishaps in re-uploading. Here are some other new trains


LEFT: Atlas Conrail ACF 3 bay cylindrical hopper(CR class H44) from CSTOp hobbies

RIGHT: Lionel Penn Central PS-5  Gondola with drop ends and removable load. From eBay


From Hamburg show in post above-new Lionel Standard O FGE(PC reporting mark) 40’ RBL. on the edge of the era I model(as is the boxcar next to it)


Lionscale pink Klemme CO OP is joined by a Weaver Albert City Elevators I got about 2 weeks ago.


Last but certainly not least- got my 3rd K-line Amtrak Superliner 2 in Phase IV paint. This “snack coach”(per K-line) joins a Sleeper and a “Coach”- the later of which it looks exactly the same as


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Started in O about a year ago.  Been Looking for a Weaver T1.  Found it here on the Forum 2 weeks ago.  Shipped from Texas to NY.  Took pictures today.  I am one happy camper.   Funny thing is it looks black in person, but it the photos it looks dark green like it should.  My eyes ain't what they use to be!  LOLCool T1 TrackSide

@MainLine Steam

The PRR T-1 is my favorite Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) streamlined steam locomotive. Also, I love the Weaver brass models! I have several Weaver PRR steam locomotives. Below are two views of my PRR 4-6-0. I also have a PRR 2-8-0. The detailing on these models is superb!

IMG_20210903_1201101131IMG_20210903_1201147601 [1)

The Pennsylvania Railroad painted all of their passenger locomotives in Brunswick Green or as the PRR called it, dark green locomotive enamel or, "DGLE". Referencing an article from a past journal of the Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society (PRRT&HS) "The Keystone", it was reported that some old PRR maintenance and paint shop workers said the formula for mixing DGLE was dropping a small splash of green into a bucket of black paint. So, PRR Brunswick green does look to be black at first glance but, when clean and seen in good sunlight, the green tint is visible.


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Started in O about a year ago.  Been Looking for a Weaver T1.  Found it here on the Forum 2 weeks ago.  Shipped from Texas to NY.  Took pictures today.  I am one happy camper.   Funny thing is it looks black in person, but it the photos it looks dark green like it should.  My eyes ain't what they use to be!  LOLCool OverallCool T1 TrackSideCool T1 UpCool Top

That is something really cool - Thanks for the post!!! Jim

B444E6ED-EDD2-460D-AF97-7F12632CD4A7Yesterday my 8 year old son and I ventured out to our LHS.  They were celebrating their 16th anniversary and had a great sale (16% off new items, 32% off used items). My son picked up a Marx tunnel for his part of our layout along with a Lionel Monopoly car.  I picked up several switches and pieces of track to finish a new section of the layout.  


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Thanks guys for the likes and support for my newly acquired T1.

Thanks Randy for the explanation of why the Green is sooooooo Dark.  Your PRR 4-6-0 is Beautiful.  I am very pleased with the quality of Weaver.  Yes, new 3rd Rail/Sunsets are at a higher level, but I have always been a "Value" Shopper.  You know Champaign taste Beer budget or more in my case Wine budget.  The details that are included in these Weaver Brass Locos is phenomenal.  The more I look at them the more I see.  Adding this view, although well hidden the perforations in the recessed front panel are still there.  Would have been easy to cheat on this.  Don't have a die cast version to compare to, but if this was part of the casting guessing they are dimples instead.  If someone has one to compare I would be interested to see.

BTW after posting this, started another thread by putting my Weaver ESE next to this and taking a few photos. I Called it Classic Competition.  Thanks again to everyone.                                                      Cool Frt


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