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I have a MTH Premier F-7 ABA (MTH 20-20264-1 from 2012 Volume 2) where the rear Proto-Coupler (the one on number 332) came undone when pulling a string of passenger cars. Now whenever power is applied, it makes a buzzing sound and I cannot get it to stay closed. It does seem to latch securely when not powered though.

I am not sure where the problem lies. I have tried power cycling everything, resetting via DCS, and reconnecting the tether cables between the units.

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Both couplers read about 2.5 Ohms when disconnected from the boards. Same as a known good coupler from another locomotive. Both worked normally when tested in the other locomotive.

I did not observe any obvious burn marks, loose or damaged wires so I put everything back together to retest. Miraculously, everything seems to be working now. I did switch the coupler positions when putting them back together though.

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