HELP! I have a TAS EOB equipped locomotive in for repair, and it has a bad EOB board and the TAS smoke unit. No sweat I thinks, as I have a spare board from an Atlas diesel.
I pop the board in, program it all up to get the chuffs right, and set it for four chuffs. Sounds great, runs great! Turn on the smoke, and it's continuous smoke. Looks easy, I do the toggle from diesel steady smoke to chuffing smoke, and... no change! I do it again, and... no change!
Is there some code I'm missing, or is there a diesel only TAS board that won't do the steam chuffing smoke?
I'd swap the microprocessor from the old board in, but that's doesn't work in this board, and it's also a part that croaks after running a spell in the old board. I tried the processor from this board in the old board, but it wasn't happy with that either, or I'd have a solution. Neither processor has any version label, so I don't know what differences there are between their function.