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I went to MTH's site to find the manual for my PS3 269E engine to see how to get to the internal gears to lube it.  I searched for 269E the first time and 11-5509-1 a 2nd time.  Both times I got the manual for No. 261 & No. 262 Steam.  The images don't seem to match to the placement of screws on my 269E.  How to do I get the manual for 269E?

BTW: I did send a "Contact Us" email to MTH a while ago, but as we all know.........

As alwasys, Thanks - walt

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I clicked on your MTH link and got exactly what I was getting before.  I cut it so I could paste it here to show:

No. 261 & No. 262 Steam
™ Ready-To-Run Set

BUT.... when I clicked on the Lionel link that you supplied I got this:

No. 269E O Gauge

BUT.....  It's not the MTH built PS3 one.  It's for an older style Lionel built one.

Thanks for trying to help out BobbyD!   I might take this to another forum so that more eyes see it.

- walt

My memory is in tact!  Here are pictures that shows that my engine's layout does not match the diagrams and descriptions in the manual for the one that is supposed to be identical to this.   So I'm back to my original question: How can I get to the manual for THIS engine????

As always, thanks - walt

The 1st 2 shows there are no screws on the back:



Here are shots of screws on the sides but it looks to me like the linkage rods might need unscrewed too:






Images (5)
  • PICT0003
  • PICT0004
  • PICT0005
  • PICT0006
  • PICT0007
Last edited by walt rapp


Thanks, that sure looks like it.  The manual even talks about PS3 so it must be the MTH built one.  When I get home I'll see if mine has the screw positions shown in the manual.  That is curious about the missing step 4!!!!!

Also Carl, thanks for provided the snippets to make it easier for me to print.

Look at the last 3 shots of the ones that I posted above.  There are 2 screws on the side, and 2 on the other side, that look like they should come into play too.  They aren't the ones shown in the manual as step 3.


The manual that Carl posted looks the same as what you showed but I blew yours off when I saw it was for a different engine.  sorry about that

I still am curious why I can't get the manual on-line from MTH.  I can for my Baby Blue Comet tin-plate set.

As always, thanks - walt

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