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I know the problem is on my end, but I never had it happen before. I click on add attachments, and reach chose the file and that's where it ends - I can't get my picture file to open. I have JAVA installed on the computer, but when this happens I see a tiny script on the botton left of my screen that says Java 0, whatever that means.


I especially like "Weekend Photo Fun", but have been unable to contribute since this has started happening.





Original Post



First, don't be surprised if this thread gets moved to Forum Tech Support.


Second, over the last few weeks, there have been many similar reports of this issue, particularly in the For Sale or Trade forum.  However, it is not a universal problem, and says the problem is not on their end.  Several suggestions have fixed the problem for some users.


Suggestion 1 - Update your operating system if older than Windows 7.


Suggestion 2 - Change browsers.  Mr. Melvin, of OGR, highly recommends Firefox, and I personally switch between Internet Explorer 10, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Comodo Dragon.


Suggestion 3 - Change your firewall and/or your firewall settings.  I use the Comodo Firewall, and just recently, they updated from version 6.3 to 7.0.  That update prevented me from uploading pictures as well.  I simply reverted to version 6.3 and everything works as expected.


Hope something here helps you.


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